Anisotropic Hyperelastic Behavior

The anisotropic hyperelastic model provides a general capability for modeling materials that exhibit highly anisotropic and nonlinear elastic behavior (such as biomedical soft tissues and fiber-reinforced elastomers). The model is valid for large elastic strains and captures the changes in the preferred material directions (or fiber directions) with deformation.

The anisotropic hyperelastic material model:

  • provides a general capability for modeling materials that exhibit highly anisotropic and nonlinear elastic behavior (such as biomedical soft tissues and fiber-reinforced elastomers);

  • can be used in combination with large-strain time-domain viscoelasticity (Time Domain Viscoelasticity); however, viscoelasticity is isotropic;

  • optionally allows the specification of energy dissipation and stress softening effects (see Mullins Effect); and

  • requires that geometric nonlinearity be accounted for during the analysis step (General and Perturbation Procedures) since it is intended for finite-strain applications.

This page discusses:

See Also
About the Material Library
Elastic Behavior
Mullins Effect
In Other Guides
Creating an anisotropic hyperelastic material model

Products Abaqus/Standard Abaqus/Explicit Abaqus/CAE