Solving Analysis Problems

A large class of stress analysis problems can be solved with Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit. A fundamental division of such problems is into static or dynamic response; dynamic problems are those in which inertia effects are significant.

An analysis problem history is defined using steps in Abaqus (Defining an Analysis). For each step you choose an analysis procedure, which defines the type of analysis to be performed during the step. The available analysis procedures are listed below and described in more detail in the referenced sections.

Abaqus provides multiphysics capabilities using built-in fully coupled procedures, sequential coupling, and co-simulation as solution techniques for multiphysics simulation. An extensive selection of additional analysis techniques that provide powerful tools for performing your Abaqus analyses more efficiently and effectively is available; see Analysis Techniques.

This page discusses:

See Also
Analysis Techniques
Coupled Pore Fluid Flow and Stress Analysis
Dynamic Stress/Displacement Analysis
Electromagnetic Analysis
Heat Transfer and Thermal-Stress Analysis
Static Stress/Displacement Analysis