Predefined Loads for Sequential Coupling

The values of the following whole element output quantities, generated in an Abaqus/Standard time-harmonic eddy current analysis, can be read into subsequent Abaqus/Standard analyses as point loads for sequentially coupled multiphysics workflows:

  • Rate of Joule heat dissipation

  • Magnetic body force intensity

A sequentially coupled multiphysics analysis can be used to apply electromagnetically generated loads (from a time-harmonic eddy current analysis) in a heat transfer, coupled temperature-displacement, or stress/displacement analysis. In many cases coupling is important only from the time-harmonic eddy current analysis; the impact of loading on the structure's mechanical or thermal response is not great enough to affect the validity of the original time-harmonic eddy current analysis.

This page discusses:

See Also
Defining an Analysis
Eddy Current Analysis
In Other Guides
Mapping Thermal and Magnetic Loads
Concentrated Loads

Products Abaqus/Standard