Applying the VCCT Technique to the
Modeling discontinuities, such as cracks, as an enriched feature:
can be based on the principles of linear elastic fracture mechanics
is more appropriate for brittle crack propagation;
can also be used for simulating fatigue crack growth; and
can be simultaneously used with the surface-based cohesive behavior approach (see Contact Cohesive Behavior) or the Virtual
Crack Closure Technique (see Crack Propagation Analysis), which are best
suited for modeling interfacial delamination.
By definition, the XFEM-based linear elastic fracture
mechanics LEFM approach inherently requires the presence of a
crack in the model since it is based upon the principles of linear elastic fracture
mechanics—namely, an existing crack propagates when the energy released due to crack extension
is equal to or more than the fracture toughness of the material (energy required to create new
crack surfaces). The crack can be preexisting, or the crack can nucleate during the analysis.
If there is no preexisting crack for a given enriched region, the
XFEM-based LEFM approach is
not activated until a crack nucleates.
Crack Nucleation
If there is no pre-existing crack in the model, a crack can be nucleated as part of the
analysis. The crack nucleation is governed by any of the available crack initiation criteria
discussed in Crack Initiation and Direction of Crack Extension. After a crack nucleates in an enriched region, the
XFEM-based LEFM criterion
governs the subsequent propagation of the crack.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to specify the crack nucleation criterion as part of the
material definition when there is no preexisting crack in an enriched region:
Property module: material editor: Mechanical: Damage for Traction Separation Laws: Quade Damage, Maxe Damage, Quads Damage, Maxs Damage, Maxpe Damage, or Maxps Damage:
Crack Propagation/Extension
The formulae and laws that govern the behavior of the
XFEM-based linear elastic fracture mechanics approach for
crack propagation analysis are very similar to those used for modeling delamination along a
known and partially bonded surface (see VCCT Criterion), where the strain
energy release rate at the crack tip is calculated based on the modified Virtual Crack
Closure Technique (VCCT). An existing crack is assumed to
propagate when the energy released due to crack extension is equal to or greater than the
fracture toughness of the material (energy required to create new crack surfaces). However,
unlike the method described in VCCT Criterion, the
XFEM-based LEFM approach
can be used to simulate crack propagation along an arbitrary, solution-dependent path in the
bulk material with or without an initial crack. You complete the definition of the crack
propagation capability by defining a fracture-based surface behavior and specifying the
fracture criterion in enriched elements.
Specifying When a Preexisting Crack Will Extend
For the discussion to follow, it is useful to define a ratio, f, of
the energy release rate at the tip of a pre-existing crack to the fracture energy of the
material. In the simple case of crack propagation in one of the pure modes
(I, II, or
III), this ratio may be defined as:
where is an index representing one of the pure modes. In the more general case
of mixed-mode crack propagation, and are replaced with and , respectively, which are measures of the energy release rate and
fracture energy that are more appropriate under mixed-mode conditions and are defined more
precisely later in the section. The ratio, f, provides a quantitative
measure of the fracture criterion.
If there is a preexisting crack in an enriched region, the crack extends after an
equilibrium increment when the fracture criterion, f, reaches the
value 1.0 within a given tolerance:
You can specify the tolerance . If , the time increment is cut back such that the crack extension criterion
is satisfied. The default value of is 0.2.
Fracture of Multiple Elements in an Unstable Crack Growth Analysis
For an unstable crack growth problem, sometimes it is more efficient to allow multiple
elements at and ahead of a crack tip to fracture without excessively cutting back the
increment size when the fracture criterion is satisfied. Abaqus/Standard activates this capability automatically if you specify an unstable growth tolerance, . In this case if the fracture criterion, f, is
within the given unstable growth tolerance:
where is the tolerance described earlier in this section, Abaqus/Standard immediately reduces the time increment size by default to a very small value, Reducing the time increment size allows more elements to fracture until for all the elements ahead of the crack tip. After this limit is
reached, the time increment size is recovered automatically to a larger value, , where is the minimum time increment allowed; is the time increment size prior to the unstable crack growth; and , and are scaling parameters. The default values of and are 0.5 and 2.0, respectively.
Use of a large unstable growth tolerance may sometimes lead to an overshoot of the peak
load in the load displacement response of a structure. To prevent this, you may optionally
specify the maximum number of cutbacks allowed, , to be controlled by the regular tolerance, , prior to the activation of the unstable growth tolerance in an
increment. The regular cutbacks ensure that the numerical solution does not over-predict
the peak load that a structure containing a crack can sustain before the crack starts
propagating. The default value of is 0.
If you do not specify a value for the unstable growth tolerance, the default value is
infinity. In this case the fracture criterion, f, for unstable crack
growth is not limited by any upper bound value in the above equation.
Use the following option to specify an unstable crack growth tolerance:
Interaction module: InteractionPropertyCreate: Contact:MechanicalFracture Criterion, Toggle on Specify tolerance for unstable crack
propagation, select Specify value
Specifying the Crack Propagation Direction
You must specify the crack propagation direction when the fracture criterion is
satisfied. The crack can extend at a direction normal to the direction of the maximum
tangential stress, orthogonal to the element local 1-direction (see Conventions), or orthogonal
to the element local 2-direction. By default, the crack propagates normal to the direction
of the maximum tangential stress.
Input File Usage
Use one of the following options to specify the crack direction when the fracture
criterion is satisfied:
Interaction module: contact property editor: MechanicalFracture Criterion: Direction of crack growth relative to local
1-direction: Maximum tangential stress,
Normal, or Parallel
Limiting the Crack Propagation Direction
If the crack direction normal to the maximum tangential stress is specified, you can
limit the new crack propagation direction to within a certain angle (in degrees) of the
previous crack propagation direction. The default is 85°.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to set the maximum allowed change in the crack propagation
angle (in degrees):
Limiting the crack propagation direction is not supported in Abaqus/CAE.
Nonlocal Smoothing of the Crack Normals
After the normals of the individual crack facets are obtained based on the fracture
criterion defined above, you can use a moving least-squares approximation by polynomials to
further smooth out the crack normals. The least-squares approximation is applied to the
normals of the individual facets in elements along the crack front that satisfy the fracture
criterion to obtain a more accurate crack propagation direction.
Nonlocal smoothing of the crack normals is not supported in Abaqus/CAE.
Specifying the Approximation Used in the Least-Squares Approximation
You can use linear, quadratic, or cubic polynomial approximation for the moving
least-squares approximation to smooth out the crack normals. You specify the number of
terms in the polynomial.
Nonlocal smoothing of the crack normals is not supported in Abaqus/CAE.
Specifying the Region of the Model Used for Nonlocal Smoothing of the Crack
To control the range of elements used for nonlocal smoothing of the crack normals in the
crack direction calculations, you can specify a radius, , within which the elements around the crack tip along the crack front
are included. The default radius is three times the typical element characteristic length
along the crack front in the enriched region.
Nonlocal smoothing of the crack normals is not supported in Abaqus/CAE.
Mixed-Mode Behavior
Abaqus provides three common mode-mix formulae for computing the equivalent fracture energy
release rate : the BK law, the power
law, and the Reeder law models. The choice of model is not always clear in any given
analysis; an appropriate model is best selected empirically.
BK Law
The BK law model is described in
Benzeggagh and Kenane (1996) by the following formula:
If there is a pre-existing crack in an enriched region, the crack extends after an
equilibrium increment when the fracture criterion, , reaches the value of 1.0 within a specified tolerance (as discussed
To define this model, you must provide and . This model provides a power law relationship combining energy release
rates in Mode I, Mode II, and Mode III into a single scalar fracture criterion.
Interaction module: contact property editor: MechanicalFracture Criterion: Mixed mode behavior: BK, and
enter the critical energy release rates in the data table
Power Law
The power law model is described in Wu and Reuter (1965) by the following formula:
If there is a pre-existing crack in an enriched region, the crack extends after an
equilibrium increment when the fracture criterion, , reaches the value of 1.0 within a specified tolerance (as discussed
Interaction module: contact property editor: MechanicalFracture Criterion: Mixed mode behavior: Power, and
enter the critical energy release rates in the data table
Reeder Law
The Reeder law model is described in Reeder et al. (2002) by the following formula:
If there is a pre-existing crack in an enriched region, the crack extends after an
equilibrium increment when the fracture criterion, , reaches the value of 1.0 within a specified tolerance (as discussed
To define this model, you must provide and . The Reeder law is best applied when ; when , the Reeder law reduces to the
BK law. The Reeder law applies only to
three-dimensional problems.
Interaction module: contact property editor: MechanicalFracture Criterion: Mixed mode behavior: Reeder,
and enter the critical energy release rates in the data table
Defining Variable Critical Energy Release Rates
You can define a VCCT criterion with varying energy
release rates by specifying the critical energy release rates at the nodes.
If you indicate that the nodal critical energy rates will be specified, any constant
critical energy release rates you specify are ignored and the critical energy release
rates are interpolated from the nodes. The critical energy release rates must be defined
at all nodes in the enriched region.
Defining a VCCT criterion with varying energy
release rates is not supported in Abaqus/CAE.
Enhanced VCCT Criterion
The formulae and laws governing the behavior of the enhanced
VCCT criterion are very similar to those used for the
VCCT criterion. However, unlike the
VCCT criterion, the onset and growth of a crack can be
controlled by two different critical fracture energy release rates: and . In a general case involving Mode I, II, and III fracture, when the
fracture criterion is satisfied; i.e,
the traction on the two surfaces of the cracked element is ramped down over the separation
with the dissipated strain energy equal to the critical equivalent strain energy required to
propagate the crack, , rather than the critical equivalent strain energy required to initiate
the separation, . The formulae for calculating are identical to those used for for different mixed-mode fracture criteria.
Specifying the enhanced VCCT criterion is not
supported in Abaqus/CAE.
Fatigue Crack Growth Criterion Based on the Principles of
If you specify the fatigue crack growth criterion, progressive crack growth at the
enriched elements subjected to sub-critical cyclic loading can be simulated. This criterion
can be used only in the general fatigue crack growth approach (Linear Elastic Fatigue Crack Growth Analysis). A fatigue crack growth analysis step can be the only step, can follow a
general static step, or can be followed by a general static step. You can include multiple
fatigue crack growth analysis steps in a single analysis. If you perform a fatigue analysis
in a model without a preexisting crack, you must precede the fatigue step with a static step
that nucleates a crack, as discussed in Crack Propagation/Extension.
The onset and fatigue crack growth are characterized by using the Paris law, which relates
the fracture energy release rate or the stress intensity factor to crack growth rates.
Different forms of Paris law are available in Abaqus. For details, see Fatigue Crack Growth Using the Paris Law
Specifying a fatigue crack growth criterion is not supported in Abaqus/CAE.
Linear Elastic Fatigue Crack Growth Analysis
The fracture energy release rates or the stress intensity factors at the crack tips in
the enriched elements are calculated based on the above mentioned
VCCT technique. The process of fatigue crack growth is
based on a damage extrapolation technique that relies on fracturing at least one enriched
element ahead of the current crack tip (once the onset criterion is satisfied) with a
corresponding increase in the number of cycles. Specifically, if the criterion for the
onset of the crack growth is satisfied at any crack tip in the enriched element at the end
of a completed cycle, , Abaqus/Standard extends the crack length, , by fracturing at least one enriched element ahead of the crack
tip/front. This increase in the crack length corresponds to an increase in the cycle count
from to , where is computed based on the Paris law. For additional information on how a
crack extends over an incremental number of cycles, see Damage Extrapolation Technique.
If , the enriched elements ahead of the crack tips will be fractured by
increasing the cycle number count, , by one only.
For information on how to accelerate the fatigue crack growth analysis and to provide a
smooth solution for the crack front, see Controlling Element Fracture.
Viscous Regularization for the XFEM-Based
LEFM Approach
The simulation of structures with unstable propagating cracks is challenging and difficult.
Nonconvergent behavior may occur from time to time. Localized damping is included for the
XFEM-based LEFM approach
by using the viscous regularization technique. Viscous regularization damping causes the
tangent stiffness matrix of the softening material to be positive for sufficiently small
time increments.
All components of strain energy release rate when linear elastic fracture mechanics
with the extended finite element method is used.
Number of cycles to fracture at the enriched element.
Minimum number of cycles needed to satisfy the condition for the onset of fatigue
crack growth at an enriched element.
Surface variables (available only for propagating cracks modeled with first-order solid
continuum elements):
Crack opening and relative tangential motions on cracked surfaces in enriched
Damage variable on cracked surfaces in enriched elements.
Remaining residual pressure and tangential shear stresses on cracked surfaces in
enriched elements.
Benzeggagh, M., and M. Kenane, “Measurement of Mixed-Mode
Delamination Fracture Toughness of Unidirectional Glass/Epoxy Composites with Mixed-Mode
Bending Apparatus,” Composite Science and
Technology, vol. 56439, 1996.
Irwin, G. R., “Linear Fracture Mechanics Fracture Transition, and Fracture Control,” Engineering Fracture Mechanics, vol. 1, pp. 241–257, 1968.
Reeder, J., S. Kyongchan, P. B. Chunchu, and D. R.. Ambur, “Postbuckling and Growth of
Delaminations in Composite Plates Subjected to Axial Compression”43rd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and
Materials Conference, Denver, Colorado, vol. 1746, p. 10, 2002.
Wu, E. M., , and R. C. Reuter Jr., “Crack Extension in Fiberglass
Reinforced Plastics,” T and M Report, University of Illinois, vol. 275,