Extended finite element method (XFEM)

You can use the extended finite element method (XFEM) to model discontinuities as an enriched feature in an element by enriching degrees of freedom with special displacement functions.

This page discusses:

See Also
In Other Guides
Modeling Discontinuities as an Enriched Feature Using the Extended Finite Element Method

Products Abaqus/Standard

Modeling stationary discontinuities such as cracks with the conventional finite element method requires that the mesh conforms to the geometric discontinuities. Creating a conforming mesh can be quite difficult. Modeling a growing crack is even more cumbersome because the mesh must be updated continuously to match the geometry of the discontinuity as the crack progresses.

XFEM alleviates the need to create a conforming mesh. Introduced by Belytschko and Black (1999), XFEM is an extension of the conventional finite element method based on the concept of partition of unity by Melenk and Babuska (1996), which allows local enrichment functions to be easily incorporated into a finite element approximation. The presence of discontinuities is ensured by the special enriched functions in conjunction with additional degrees of freedom. Despite the formulation changes, the finite element framework and its properties (for example, sparsity and symmetry) are retained. However, XFEM does not alleviate the need for sufficient mesh refinement in the vicinity of the crack tip.