Fatigue Crack Growth Laws for Linear Elastic Materials
A linear elastic fatigue crack growth criterion can be used to:
model propagation of a discrete crack in a brittle material along an arbitrary,
solution-dependent path, without any remeshing, and using the extended finite
element method (XFEM); and
model progressive delamination growth along a predefined path at brittle material
interfaces in laminated composites.
The onset and fatigue crack growth are both characterized by means of the Paris law,
which relates either the onset or the rate of growth of a fatigue crack to the
relative fracture energy release rate, as illustrated in Figure 1. The Paris law can also be expressed in terms of the equivalent relative stress
intensity factor in some cases. An alternative form to the original Paris law, which
better accounts for the mixed mode fatigue crack growth, and that depends on the
maximum energy release rate (instead of the relative value) is also available. The
alternative form is illustrated in Figure 2. The detailed equations for the different forms of the Paris law that are
available in Abaqus are described later in this section.
The Paris regime is bounded by lower and upper limits, and , respectively. The lower limit represents the energy release rate
threshold, (or the equivalent stress intensity factor threshold, ), below which there is no consideration of fatigue crack
initiation or growth. The upper limit, (or the equivalent stress intensity factor limit, ) , represents the energy release rate above which the fatigue
crack grows at an accelerated rate. You can specify the ratio of and the ratio of to define the lower and upper limits of the Paris regime. The
quantity in these ratios represents the critical equivalent strain energy
release rate, calculated based on the pure mode fracture strengths of the bulk
material and the user-specified mode-mix criterion. The default values of these
bounds are and , respectively.
Figure 1. Fatigue crack growth governed by the Paris law. Figure 2. Mixed mode fatigue crack growth governed by the Paris law.
The onset and growth criterion for a fatigue crack are not supported in Abaqus/CAE.
Mixed-Mode Behavior
Abaqus provides three common mode-mix formulas for computing the equivalent fracture
energy release rate, : the BK law,
the power law, and the Reeder law. The choice of model is not always clear in any
given analysis; an appropriate model is best selected empirically.
To define this model, you must provide and . This model provides a power law relationship combining the
energy release rates in Mode I, Mode II, and Mode III into a single scalar
fracture criterion.
The Reeder law model in Abaqus follows Reeder et al.
(2002) and is described by the following formula:
To define this model, you must provide and . The Reeder law is best applied when . When , the Reeder law reduces to the
BK law. The Reeder law
applies only to three-dimensional problems.
The onset of fatigue crack growth is characterized by , which is the relative fracture energy release rate when the
structure is loaded between its maximum and minimum values. The fatigue crack growth
initiation criterion is defined as
where and are assumed to be material constants and is the cycle number for onset. The crack front is not propagated
unless the above equation is satisfied, and the maximum fracture energy release
rate, (which corresponds to the cyclic energy release rate when the
structure is loaded up to its maximum value) is greater than . If you do not specify the onset criterion, Abaqus/Standard assumes that the onset of fatigue crack growth is satisfied automatically.
Fatigue Crack Growth Using the Paris Law
Once the onset criterion is satisfied at nodes along the crack front, the crack
growth rate, , can be calculated based on the relative fracture energy release
rate, . If , the rate of crack growth per cycle is given by the Paris law:
In the above expression, is the total maximum strain energy release rate as opposed to the
strain energy release rate range over a cycle, and the Paris law parameters, and are assumed to be material parameters that depend on mode-mix and
stress ratios. Abaqus does not support the above form of the crack growth rate equation directly;
instead, it allows you to specify as a tabular function of , the mode-mix ratio, and the stress ratio.
In addition, you can utilize user subroutine UMIXMODEFATIGUE to implement a user-defined fatigue crack growth
For linear elastic materials, the fracture energy release rate is directly related to
the stress intensity factors by the following relationship:
where is the Young's modulus (which is equal to under plane strain and full three-dimensional conditions), is the shear modulus, and is the Poisson's ratio. A form based on the stress intensity
factor, that is equivalent to the fracture energy release rate–based form
above, is also available:
where and are assumed to be material constants, and is the effective stress intensity factor range of a load cycle.
Abaqus uses the Irwin (1968) definition of an effective stress intensity factor that is
applicable under mixed-mode conditions and is given by:
where A, B, and
C are user-defined material constants.
For the fatigue crack growth criterion, the following forms based on the stress
intensity factor are also available:
A tabular form to support multiple piecewise linear log-log ( versus ) segments.
A user-defined crack growth criterion using user subroutine UMIXMODEFATIGUE.
Input File Usage
Use one of the following options to define the fatigue onset and crack growth
criterion based on the original form of the Paris law:
The onset and growth criterion for a fatigue crack are not supported in Abaqus/CAE.
In general, any of the stress/displacement elements in Abaqus/Standard can be used in a fatigue crack growth analysis (see Choosing the Appropriate Element for an Analysis Type). However,
when modeling fatigue crack growth with the extended finite element method based on
the principles of linear elastic fracture mechanics, only first-order continuum
stress/displacement elements and second-order stress/displacement tetrahedral
elements can be associated with an enriched feature (see Modeling Discontinuities as an Enriched Feature Using the Extended Finite Element Method).
Output Variables
In addition to the standard output identifiers available in Abaqus/Standard (see Abaqus/Standard Output Variable Identifiers),
whole element and surface variables are available.
The following whole element variables are available with the extended finite
element method:
Number of cycles to initialize the fatigue crack growth at the
enriched element.
Number of cycles to fracture at the enriched element.
All components of strain energy release rate at the enriched element.
The following additional surface output variables can be also requested along a
predefined path at the interfaces:
Overall value of the scalar damage variable.
Bond state. The bond state varies between 1.0 (fully bonded) and 0.0
(fully unbonded).
Number of cycles to debond.
Accumulated crack length. It is measured starting from the unbonded
nodes immediately behind the initial crack front. As the crack tip
nodes debond, debonded element length will be added to the
accumulated crack length.
All components of strain energy release rate.
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