You can set custom default preferences for some components.
For information about setting other Isight preferences, see Setting Preferences in the Isight User’s Guide.
The Isight Preferences dialog box appears.
The General Component and Plug-in Preferences dialog box appears.
Use new version on next restart (recommended).
Use new version on next model load or execution.
Setting Abaqus Component Preferences
Setting Calculator Component Preferences
Setting CATIA V5 Component Preferences
Setting Data Exchanger Preferences
Setting DOE Component Preferences
Setting Excel Component Preferences
Setting Exploration Component Preferences
Setting MATLAB Component Preferences
Setting Monte Carlo Component Preferences
Setting Optimization Component Preferences
Setting OS Command Component Preferences
Setting Simcode Component Preferences
Setting Six Sigma Component Preferences
Setting Taguchi Robust Design Component Preferences
Setting Target Solver Component Preferences
Setting Word Component Preferences