Setting Calculator Component Preferences

You can control whether the Calculator Component Editor displays in collapsed or expanded mode each time you open it. The expanded view displays the calculator buttons, the Parameters list, and the Functions list. In the collapsed view you can access this functionality through menus.

  1. From the Isight Design Gateway Edit menu, select Preferences.

    The Preferences dialog box appears.

  2. Expand the Components folder on the left side of the dialog box, and click Calculator.
  3. To choose the default mode of the calculator, from the Default Editor Mode list select Expanded or Collapsed.
  4. Click Allow exceptional values (NaN, Infinity).

    By default, the Calculator component stops and displays an error if any function or operator returns a real result with an exceptional value. The exceptional values are Inf, -Inf, or NaN. If you click Allow exceptional values (NaN, Infinity), the Calculator component proceeds and returns the exceptional value. Exceptional values can be stored as real parameters and will appear on the Runtime Gateway Parameters and History tabs.

  5. Click OK to save your changes and to close the dialog box.