Setting Six Sigma Component Preferences

You can control the analysis type and technique that the Six Sigma component uses each time you first open it.

  1. From the Isight Design Gateway Edit menu, select Preferences.

    The Preferences dialog box appears.

  2. Expand the Components folder on the left side of the dialog box, and select Six Sigma.
  3. In the Default Six Sigma Analysis Type list, select the analysis type that appears automatically every time a newly inserted component editor is first opened.
  4. In the Default Six Sigma Technique list, select the technique that appears automatically every time a newly inserted component editor is first opened.
  5. Click OK to save your changes and to close the dialog box.

About the Six Sigma Component API

The Six Sigma component provides an API for programmatically configuring the Six Sigma component using a Java program.

For information about component APIs, see Component APIs.

The API for the Six Sigma component consists of the get("SixSigmaPlan") method.

This method returns a SixSigmaPlan object from the com.engineous.sdk.designdriver.plan package. From that entry point you have access to numerous methods for setting/configuring the sampling technique, setting the run mode, adding/editing random variables and responses, and configuring execution options. For more information about configuring the Six Sigma component, refer to the javadocs for the SixSigmaPlan interface—open the following file in a web browser:
