Installing the Station Software on Linux in Graphical User Interface (GUI) Mode

To the install SIMULIA Execution Engine Station on Linux, run the Isight installation wizard.

In the GUI mode, the Isight 2024 installer prompts you to answer questions in dialog boxes. On Linux, the dialog boxes are based on Motif or OpenMotif and require a graphics card on the Linux machine.

In addition, installing Isight in GUI mode on Linux, requires an X-Windows display, either local or remote over a network. If the DISPLAY environment variable is not set, the installer will not execute.

See Also
Enabling the SIMULIA Execution Engine Station Security Feature (Run-As)
  1. Log in as the user that will install the software.

    If you are not installing as root, it is recommended that you review the information in Installing as an Administrator (Windows) or Non-Root User (Linux) before beginning your installation.

    If you log in as a normal, non-root user and enable root/superuser privileges with the su command, you must use the “su –” command (su space dash) to read the root profile. Otherwise, the installer may fail because required administrator utilities will not be in the executable path (PATH).

  2. To find the installer on the assembly media, see Installation, Licensing & Configuration | SIMULIA Installation | GA Assembly Media | Assembly Media Content and Organization.
  3. Go to the directory:


  4. Launch the GUI mode installation by running the command:


  5. Click Next to advance through each panel of the installer, responding to the prompts as needed.

    1. In the first panel, choose the destination directory into which the software will be installed.
    2. In the second panel, select SIMULIA Execution Engine Station as the product you want to install:

      Isight Desktop
      SIMULIA Execution Engine
      SIMULIA Execution Engine Station
      You can choose any combination of these components to install on different computers and servers. For more information about the SIMULIA Execution Engine, see the SIMULIA Execution Engine Installation and Configuration Guide.

  6. If you want to create a connection profile (.cpr file) to connect SIMULIA Execution Engine Station to a SIMULIA Execution Engine server during installation, select the appropriate application server and click Next to enter the server host name and port number.
    • Server Host Name. The host name of the computer running the SIMULIA Execution Engine server application.

      Note: If the SIMULIA Execution Engine will be accessed from computers in multiple network domains (for example, and, you must specify the fully qualified host name (for example,

    • Server Port Number

    The Station application will connect to SIMULIA Execution Engine, so it must have a connection profile specific to the application server getting used. The .cpr file must be located in the following directory:


    Additional connection profiles can be created later by using the Edit Logon Profile tool. See Creating a SIMULIA Execution Engine Connection Profile for more details.

  7. Select the type of license server software you will use, or skip the licensing selection for now:

    Skip licensing configuration

    If you or your system administrator already have the FLEXnet or Dassault Systèmes license server installed and running, specify the server computer's host name and port number. This information is used to contact the license server and create a licensing client file that references the server. If you have installed a redundant license server triad, enter the host name and port for all three machines.

  8. Verify the information on Summary panel that corresponds to the entries made earlier, and modify the information, if necessary.
  9. Click Install to allow the installer to complete installation of the SIMULIA Execution Engine Station.
  10. Click Close to exit the installer.
  11. After the installation completes, you can edit the values in the file to customize the behavior of the station. For more information, see Configuring SIMULIA Execution Engine Station Properties.

    The file is installed into the /config/ subdirectory:


    In particular, you should decide whether you want to change the following properties:

    • Station Affinities. Any affinity setting in addition to the default of the station name and the platform. For more information on affinities, see About Station Affinities.

    • Default log level. The default setting is Info. For more information on these settings, see About Log Message Detail Levels.

    • Temp directory. The default is the current user’s temporary directory. If you want to change this setting, be sure to select a directory that has the following characteristics:

      • Is not a temporary file system. This disk space must never be reclaimed automatically. This rules out any directories that are cleared during a restart or during an automatic disk space cleanup.
      • Preferably on a local disk on the station host system. If there is insufficient local storage space, a NAS device can be used; however, this setup is not recommended.

      Important: You must change this setting if you plan to use the SIMULIA Execution Engine station security (Run-As) feature. You must use a directory that can be accessed by all users. For more information on Run-As specifications, including how to change the station temporary directory after an installation, see About File System Security With Run-As. For more information on determining or changing directory permissions, contact your local system administrator.