Configuring SIMULIA Execution Engine Station Properties

You can customize the operation of a SIMULIA Execution Engine station using the file or by using the equivalent command line arguments when you start the station.

When a station starts, it reads the file and configures itself according to the property settings. If you include command line arguments when starting the station, the arguments override any settings in the file.

The command line options can be used in any order and in any combination. If you use more than one command line argument, and two are in conflict with each other, the later argument overrides the earlier one.

The file is located in the following directory of the SIMULIA Execution Engine installation:


The file can be opened and edited using any text editor. When setting a property, be sure to remove the # character at the beginning of the line. All of the properties defined in the file (and their command line equivalents) are optional. All file paths in the file (and the file) must include the forward slash on both Linux and Windows operating systems.

When you are configuring WebSphere, you can use the forward slash or back slash on Windows operating systems.

For a quick reference listing of all station properties and command line arguments, see Station Properties/Arguments Quick Reference. Detailed descriptions of each property and argument are provided in succeeding sections—use the cross-reference links given in the quick reference table for each.

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