Station-Specific Run-As Behavior

By default, the SIMULIA Execution Engine station Run-As behavior follows the Run-As configuration of the SIMULIA Execution Engine to which the station is connected. This property can be used to force the station to run with Run-As disabled even if the SIMULIA Execution Engine has Run-As enabled. It can also be used to force the station to run with Run-As enabled, although the station will not run unless the SIMULIA Execution Engine has the Run-As feature enabled.

  • Property name: fiper.station.runas

  • Command line argument: not available

Property file example:


This property can have any of the following values:

  • disabled. This option turns off the Run-As feature for the station. It is valid only if the Run-As feature is active on the SIMULIA Execution Engine that the station is using.

  • enabled. This option turns on the Run-As feature for the station. It is valid only if the Run-As feature is active on the SIMULIA Execution Engine that the station is using.