You can use either of the two forms of this argument; they are interchangeable. Command line examples: station configfile:myargs.txt station @see.txt For example, if you have a file see.txt in your home directory that contains the following entries: profile:ExecutionEngine1 logonprompt:no # provide user name and password to connect user:seeadmin pw:seeadmin You can now start a station connected to station @see.txt You can also mix and match the contents of the file with the actual command line option at the command prompt. For example: station @see.txt logonprompt:yes For the example file see.txt shown above, this argument
would show the Logon dialog box ( The arguments file you create can contain one or more lines. Each line can contain one or more command line arguments. Arguments with spaces must be enclosed in single or double quotation marks. Comments lines are allowed—any line starting with # is ignored. Empty lines are also ignored. |