Property file example: fiper.file.root.RootA=/net/host/home/RootA When this directory path is defined in the file, you can create an Isight file parameter with a path similar to
{rootA rootA/path/filename.ext}
In this example the instance of Shared or network file systems are often named differently on different computers. For example, a user's home directory might be /home/user on the user’s Linux workstation and /net/host/user on other Linux workstations. At the same time, it might be mounted as H: on the user’s Windows workstation and be available as //host/user on other Windows computers. The shared file system feature of SIMULIA Execution Engine allows it to adjust how it references a shared file to account for these differences. Instead of using an absolute path, which will be incorrect on some computers, the file is referenced as a path relative to a symbolic root directory. On each computer, the symbolic root directory is set to the location where that computer mounts the shared file system. Each time the file is referenced—by the Design Gateway, Runtime Gateway, or a station—the local symbolic root value is used to build the absolute path to the file that is appropriate for that computer. Note:
The names of all physical directories
must be written using the forward slash (/) as a path separator, even
on Windows operating systems.
Symbolic roots are used through the Design Gateway Files tab and defined using the preferences options. The following examples could be defined on Windows: fiper.file.root.CFDfiles=//server1/CDFfiles For details about file parameters, see Configuring a File as the Source or Destination in the Isight User’s Guide. |