Assembly Media Content and Organization

The Assembly Media (AM) includes Windows and Linux Established Products media for the General Availability release.

The AM includes the following media:

  • Exalead CloudView
  • NETVIBES SearchDoc
  • SIMULIA Established Products Documentation
  • FLEXnet license server
  • DS license server
  • SIMULIA Established Products
  • SIMULIA Established Products CAA API
  • Abaqus CAD associative interfaces
  • Isight and the SIMULIA Execution Engine

The AM includes a plain text file that describes its contents. If you want to launch an individual product installer (see Launching a DS Media in GUI or TUI Mode), you can use this file to find the correct subdirectory. The file is located in volume 1 of the AM media:


This file shows how the various product installers are organized in numbered volumes (1, 2, 3, etc.) and subdirectories.

The number of volumes and the location of each product package within a volume is determined by the package size and the total size of the media. The ordering of product packages is random, and the contents of each volume may change from release to release.

An example of the table_of_contents.txt is shown below.

Note: The contents of your file may be different.

Sample Table of Contents

Volume 1:
  /EXALEAD_CloudView/Windows64/1              EXALEAD CloudView
  /EXALEAD_Search_Doc/Windows64/1             EXALEAD Search for Doc
  /SIMULIA_FLEXnet_LicenseServer/Windows64/1  FLEXnet License Server

Volume 2:
  /SIMULIA_EstPrd/Linux64/1                   SIMULIA Est Products  
  /SIMULIA_EstPrd_CAA_API/Linux64/1           SIMULIA Est Prd CAA API  
  /SIMULIA_Isight/Windows64/1                 Isight

Volume 3:
  /SIMULIA_EstPrd/Windows64/1                 SIMULIA Est Products  
  /SIMULIA_EstPrd_CAA_API/Windows64/1         SIMULIA Est Prd CAA API  
  /EXALEAD_Search_Doc/Linux64/1               EXALEAD Search for Doc
  /SIMULIA_FLEXnet_LicenseServer/Linux64/1    FLEXnet License Server
  /DS_License_Server/AllOS/1                  DSLS - DSLS

Volume 4:
  /SIMULIA_Documentation/AllOS/1              Established Product Doc
  /SIMULIA_Isight/Linux64/1                   Isight
  /SIMULIA_Abaqus_AI/SIMULIA_AI.AllOS.1-1.tar CAD assoc interfaces