Enabling the SIMULIA Execution Engine Station Security Feature (Run-As)

If the SIMULIA Execution Engine station software is installed by a non-root user, you must issue two commands as root to allow the station security feature to work properly.

If the SIMULIA Execution Engine station software is installed by a non-root user on Linux, follow the steps below to change permissions on the SMAFIPplaunch file.

  1. Log on to the system running the SIMULIA Execution Engine as root.
  2. Change directory (cd) to the following directory:


    where the <os_dir> subdirectory is the operating system on which the station is running:

    linux_a64       for 64-bit Linux

  3. Give the following commands:

    chown root SMAFIPplaunch
    chmod 4711 SMAFIPplaunch

For other configuration steps required, see Configuring SIMULIA Execution Engine Stations for Run-As on Linux.