Configuring SIMULIA Execution Engine Stations for Run-As on Linux

To configure a Linux-based station to use the Run-As security feature, you need to update the station’s properties file and add a new file to the system’s /etc directory. This procedure must be performed on each system that will run a station.

  1. Verify that you installed the SIMULIA Execution Engine station as root.

    For the Run-As feature to work on a Linux based operating system, the SIMULIA Execution Engine installation must have been performed as root. If you did not install the SIMULIA Execution Engine station as root, follow the instructions in Enabling the SIMULIA Execution Engine Station Security Feature (Run-As).

  2. Open the <see_install_dir>/config/ file using the text editor of your choice.

    This file is located in the top level of the SIMULIA Execution Engine installation directory.

  3. Verify that the leading # character has been removed from the fiper.station.tempdir setting.
  4. Set the fiper.station.tempdir value to some location that is world-writable—for example, something similar to /var/tmp/<SEETempDir>.

    Important: If this directory already exists, it must not be owned by another user.

  5. Save and close the file.
  6. To run a SIMULIA Execution Engine station with the Run-As feature on Linux, create a file (in mode 644) called fiper in the /etc/pam.d/ directory with the contents shown below. On Red Hat Linux, create the file fiper as root.

    Red Hat Linux:

    auth       include     system-auth
    account    include     system-auth
    password   include     system-auth
    session    include     system-auth

    SUSE Linux:

    auth       include    common-auth
    account    include    common-account
    password   include    common-password
    session    include    common-session

    Note: The contents specified above are the standard settings. To verify that your settings are the same, examine the matching contents of the login file, located in the same /etc/pam.d directory. You can also copy this login file, rename it fiper, and then edit it to only contain the settings specified above.

  7. Repeat step 2 through step 6 (as necessary based on the computer’s operating system) for each system that will be running a SIMULIA Execution Engine station.
  8. Stop and restart WebSphere for the associated SIMULIA Execution Engine.

    The Run-As configuration is complete. Your SIMULIA Execution Engine and stations will now use Run-As security.