Definitions and basic kinematic results
We first introduce some definitions and basic kinematic results that will be used in this section. Some of these items have already been discussed in Introduction and Basic Equations: they are repeated here for convenience.
Writing the current position of a material point as and the reference position of the same point as , the deformation gradient is
Then J, the total volume change at the point, is
For simplicity, we define
as the deformation gradient with the volume change eliminated.
We then introduce the deviatoric stretch matrix (the left Cauchy-Green strain tensor) of as
so that we can define the first strain invariant as
where is a unit matrix, and the second strain invariant as
The variations of , , , , and J will be required during the remainder of the development. We first define some variations of basic kinematic quantities that will be needed to write these results.
The gradient of the displacement variation with respect to current position is written as
The virtual rate of deformation is the symmetric part of :
which we decompose into the virtual rate of change of volume per current volume (the “virtual volumetric strain rate”),
and the virtual deviatoric strain rate,
The virtual rate of spin of the material is the antisymmetric part of :
The variations of , , , , and J are obtained directly from their definitions above in terms of these quantities as
The Cauchy (“true”) stress components are defined from the strain energy potential as follows. From the virtual work principal the internal energy variation is
where are the components of the Cauchy (“true”) stress, V is the current volume, and is the reference volume.
We decompose the stress into the equivalent pressure stress,
and the deviatoric stress,
so that the internal energy variation can be written
For isotropic, compressible materials the strain energy, U, is a function of , , and J:
so that
Hence, using Equation 3, Equation 4, and Equation 5,
Since the variation of the strain energy potential is, by definition, the internal virtual work per reference volume, , we have
For a compressible material the strain variations are arbitrary, so this equation defines the stress components for such a material as
When the material response is almost incompressible, the pure displacement formulation, in which the strain invariants are computed from the kinematic variables of the finite element model, can behave poorly. One difficulty is that from a numerical point of view the stiffness matrix is almost singular because the effective bulk modulus of the material is so large compared to its effective shear modulus, thus causing difficulties with the solution of the discretized equilibrium equations. Similarly, in Abaqus/Explicit the high bulk modulus increases the dilatational wave speed, thus reducing the stable time increment substantially. Another problem is that, unless reduced-integration techniques are used, the stresses calculated at the numerical integration points show large oscillations in the pressure stress values, because—in general—the elements cannot respond accurately and still have small volume changes at all numerical integration points. To avoid such problems, Abaqus/Standard offers a “mixed” formulation for such cases. The concept is to introduce a variable, , that is used in place of the volume change, J, in the definition of the strain energy potential. The internal energy integral, , is augmented with the constraint that , imposed by the use of a Lagrange multiplier, , and integrated over the volume:
Taking the variation of this definition,
Since is an independent variation in this expression, the Lagrange multiplier is
and its variation is
These results allow us to write the augmented internal energy variation as
which implies that continuity of the interpolation across elements is not required.
This augmented formulation can be used for any value of compressibility except fully incompressible behavior. For most element types is interpolated independently in each element: Abaqus uses constant in most first-order elements and linear variation of with respect to position in second-order elements. The only element type where continuity of the interpolation across elements is enforced is C3D4H: a first-order tetrahedron with a linear interpolation of continuous across elements.
When the material is fully incompressible, U is a function of the first and second strain invariants— and —only, and we write the internal energy in the augmented form,
where is again a Lagrange multiplier introduced to impose the constraint in such a way that the variation of can be taken with respect to all kinematic variables, thus giving
The Lagrange multiplier is interpolated in the same way as is interpolated in the augmented formulation for almost incompressible behavior; that is, is assumed to be constant in most first-order elements and to vary linearly with respect to position in second-order elements. The only exception is element type C3D4H, which is a first-order tetrahedron with a linear interpolation of continuous across elements.