The yield surface includes two main segments: a shear failure surface,
providing dominantly shearing flow, and a “cap,” which intersects the
equivalent pressure stress axis (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Modified Drucker-Prager/Cap model: yield surfaces in the
p–t plane.
There is a transition region between these segments, introduced to provide a
smooth surface. The cap serves two main purposes: it bounds the yield surface
in hydrostatic compression, thus providing an inelastic hardening mechanism to
represent plastic compaction, and it helps to control volume dilatancy when the
material yields in shear by providing softening as a function of the inelastic
volume increase created as the material yields on the Drucker-Prager shear
failure and transition yield surfaces.
The model uses associated flow in the cap region and nonassociated flow in
the shear failure and transition regions. The model has been extended to
include creep, with certain limitations that are outlined in this section. The
creep behavior is envisaged as arising out of two possible mechanisms: one
dominated by shear behavior and the other dominated by hydrostatic compression.
Strain rate decomposition
A linear strain rate decomposition is assumed, so
is the total strain rate,
is the elastic strain rate,
is the inelastic (plastic) time-independent strain rate, and
is the inelastic (creep) time-dependent strain rate.
Elastic behavior
The elastic behavior can be modeled as linear elastic or by using the porous
elasticity model including tensile strength, described in
Porous elasticity.
If creep has been defined, the elastic behavior must be modeled as linear.
Plastic behavior
The yield/failure surfaces used with this model are written in terms of the
three stress invariants: the equivalent pressure stress,
the Mises equivalent stress,
and the third invariant of deviatoric stress,
is the stress deviator, defined as
We also define the deviatoric stress measure
is a material parameter that may depend on temperature,
and other predefined fields .
This measure of deviatoric stress is used because it allows matching of
different stress values in tension and compression in the deviatoric plane,
thereby providing flexibility in fitting experimental results and a smooth
approximation to the Mohr-Coulomb surface. Since
in uniaxial tension,
in this case; since
in uniaxial compression,
in that case. When ,
the dependence on the third deviatoric stress invariant is removed; and the
Mises circle is recovered in the deviatoric plane: .
Figure 2
shows the dependence of t on K. To
ensure convexity of the yield surface, .
Figure 2. Typical yield/flow surfaces in the deviatoric plane.
With this expression for the deviatoric stress measure, the Drucker-Prager
failure surface is written as
is the material's angle of friction and
is its cohesion (see
Figure 1).
The cap yield surface has an elliptical shape with constant eccentricity in
the meridional (p–t) plane (Figure 1)
and also includes dependence on the third stress invariant in the deviatoric
plane (Figure 2).
The cap surface hardens or softens as a function of the volumetric plastic
strain: volumetric plastic compaction (when yielding on the cap) causes
hardening, while volumetric plastic dilation (when yielding on the shear
failure surface) causes softening. The cap yield surface is written as
is a material parameter that controls the shape of the cap,
is a small number that is defined below, and
is an evolution parameter that represents the volumetric plastic strain driven
hardening/softening. The hardening/softening law is a user-defined piecewise
linear function relating the hydrostatic compression yield stress,
and the corresponding volumetric inelastic (plastic and/or creep) strain,
(Figure 3),
where .
Figure 3. Typical Cap hardening.
The evolution parameter, ,
is defined as
The parameter
is a small number (typically 0.01 to 0.05) used to define a smooth transition
surface between the shear failure surface and the cap:
Flow rule
Plastic flow is defined by a flow potential that is associated on the cap
and nonassociated on the failure yield surface and transition yield surfaces.
The nonassociated nature of these surfaces stems from the shape of the flow
potential in the meridional plane. The flow potential surface in the meridional
plane is shown in
Figure 4.
Figure 4. Modified Drucker-Prager/Cap model: flow potential in the
p–t plane.
It is made up of an elliptical portion in the cap region that is identical
to the cap yield surface:
and another elliptical portion in the failure and transition regions that
provides the nonassociated flow component in the model:
The two elliptical portions,
and ,
form a continuous and smooth potential surface.
Nonassociated flow implies that the material stiffness matrix is not
symmetric, so the unsymmetric solver should be invoked by the user. However, if
the region of the model in which nonassociated inelastic deformation is
occurring is confined, it is possible that a symmetric approximation to the
material stiffness matrix will give an acceptable convergence rate: in such
cases the unsymmetric solver may not be needed.
Creep model
Classical “creep” behavior of materials that also exhibit plastic behavior
according to the modified Drucker-Prager/Cap model can be defined.
The creep behavior in such materials is intimately tied to the plasticity
behavior (through the definition of creep flow potentials and test data), so it
is necessary to define the modified Drucker-Prager/Cap plasticity and hardening
behavior as well. The elastic part of the behavior must be linear.
The rate-independent part of the plastic behavior is limited by the
following restrictions:
is, no transition zone is allowed;
K=1—that is, no third stress invariant
effects are taken into account.
In such a case, the deviatoric stress measure t is
equal to the Mises equivalent stress, q, and the yield
surface has a von Mises (circular) section in the deviatoric stress plane.
Creep behavior
The built-in
creep laws or uniaxial laws defined through user subroutine
CREEP can be used. The integration of the creep strain rate is
first attempted explicitly, as described in
Rate-dependent metal plasticity (creep).
The integration is done by the backward Euler method (as described in
Rate-dependent metal plasticity (creep))
if the stability limit is exceeded, a geometrically nonlinear analysis is being
performed, or plasticity becomes active.
In this model we assume the existence of two separate and independent creep
mechanisms. One is a cohesion mechanism, which operates similarly to the
Drucker-Prager creep model described in
Models for granular or polymer behavior.
The other is a consolidation mechanism, which operates similarly to the cap
zone plasticity. We then have
is the creep strain rate due to the cohesion mechanism and
is the creep strain rate due to the consolidation mechanism.
As described above, the cap surface hardens or softens as a function of the
volumetric plastic strain and volumetric creep strain: volumetric inelastic
compaction (when yielding on the cap or creeping through the consolidation
mechanism) causes hardening, while volumetric plastic dilation (when yielding
on the shear failure surface or creeping through the cohesion mechanism) causes
softening. The separation between the two yield surfaces and the dominant
regions for the two creep mechanisms are defined by the evolution parameter,
which relates to the user-defined hydrostatic compression yield stress,
(Figure 3).
The cohesion mechanism is active for all stress states that have a positive
equivalent creep stress as explained below. The consolidation mechanism is
active for all stress states in which the pressure is larger than
Figure 5
illustrates the active regions in this formulation.
Figure 5. Regions of activity of cohesion and consolidation creep
We adopt the notion of the existence of creep isosurfaces (or equivalent
creep surfaces) of stress points that share the same creep “intensity,” as
measured by an equivalent creep stress. Consider the cohesion creep mechanism
first. When the material plastifies, the equivalent creep surface should
coincide with the yield surface; therefore, we define the equivalent creep
surfaces by homogeneously scaling down the yield surface. In the
p–q plane that translates into
parallels to the yield surface, as depicted in
Figure 6.
requires that cohesion creep properties be measured in a uniaxial compression
Figure 6. Equivalent creep stress for cohesion creep.
The equivalent creep stress, ,
is determined as the intersection of the equivalent creep surface with the
uniaxial compression curve. As a result,
is the material angle of friction.
Figure 6
shows how the equivalent creep stress was determined. In uniaxial compression
therefore, the uniaxial compression test line has a slope of 1/3. This approach
has several consequences. One is that the cohesion creep strain rate is a
function of both q and p. This allows
the determination of realistic material properties in cases in which, due to
high hydrostatic pressures, q is very high. If one looks
at the yield strength of the material in this region to be a composite of
cohesion strength and friction strength, this model corresponds to
cohesion-determined creep. As a result, there is a cone in
p–q space inside which there is no
cohesion creep.
Next consider the consolidation creep mechanism. In this case we wish to
make creep dependent on the hydrostatic pressure above a threshold value of
with a smooth transition to the areas in which the mechanism is not active
Therefore, we define equivalent creep surfaces as constant pressure surfaces.
In the p–q plane that translates into
vertical lines.
requires that consolidation creep properties be measured in a hydrostatic
compression test. The effective creep pressure, ,
is then the point on the p-axis with a relative pressure
This value is used in the uniaxial creep law. The equivalent volumetric
creep strain rate produced by this type of law is defined as positive for a
positive equivalent pressure. The internal tensor calculations in
will account for the fact that a positive pressure will produce negative (that
is, compressive) volumetric creep components.
Creep flow rule
The creep flow rules are derived from creep potentials,
in such a way that
is the equivalent creep strain rate, which must be work conjugate to the
equivalent creep stress:
is obviously work conjugate to ,
is a proportionality factor defined by
Cohesion creep
For the cohesion mechanism the creep potential is assumed to follow the
same potential as the creep strain rate in the Drucker-Prager creep model
(Models for granular or polymer behavior);
that is, a hyperbolic function. This creep flow potential, which is continuous
and smooth, ensures that the flow direction is always uniquely defined. The
function approaches a parallel to the shear-failure yield surface
asymptotically at high confining pressure stress and intersects the hydrostatic
pressure axis at a right angle. A family of hyperbolic potentials in the
meridional stress plane is shown in
Figure 7:
where d is the material cohesion.
Figure 7. Creep potentials: cohesion mechanism.
The equivalent cohesion creep strain rate is then determined from the
uniaxial law:
The proportionality factor, ,
is not a constant in this model. Its expression indicates that it will become
negative if
It turns out that below this stress level, which for typical materials
will be very low, the stress vector and the normal to the creep potential are
pointing in opposite directions:
which is equivalent to
Thus, there is a small zone just outside the “no creep” cone for which
this is the case. Consequently, creep data obtained within this zone should
show a creep strain rate in the opposite direction from the applied stress at
very low stress levels, which will usually not be the case. To overcome this
will modify the creep data entered such that .
Therefore, you would not expect correspondence between calculated creep strains
and measured creep properties in a region defined by
This modification is usually not significant, since typical creep analyses
have loads that are applied quickly, followed by long-term creep. Hence, the
stress level for most of the analysis will usually be well beyond the modified
An example of “slow” loading in which the approximation is visible is
included in
Verification of creep integration.
As is clear in the example, the effect of the approximation is small in spite
of the fact that the load is ramped up over the step.
The equivalent cohesion creep strain rate is a function of both
q and p through
The creep potential is the von Mises circle in the deviatoric stress plane (the
Although creep flow is associated in the deviatoric stress plane, the use of a
creep potential different from the equivalent creep surface implies that creep
flow is nonassociated.
Consolidation creep
For the consolidation mechanism the creep potential is derived from the
plastic potential of the cap zone (Figure 8):
Note that there is an equivalent pressure stress,
work conjugate of the equivalent consolidation creep strain, which is different
from the effective creep pressure, .
Such equivalent pressure stress is given by
and has the characteristic that it reduces to the pressure in a
hydrostatic compression test.
The creep potential is the von Mises circle in the deviatoric stress plane
(the -plane).
Creep flow is nonassociated in this mechanism.
This formulation is quite simplistic and ignores the effects of
q on the creep function, .
The two creep mechanisms operate independently from each other. This implies
does not depend on
and that
does not depend on .
The only cross effects between both mechanisms are obtained through the
dependency of
on the volumetric creep from any of them.