User subroutine to define a hyperelastic material in terms of principal stretches.

User subroutine UHYPER_STRETCH:

  • can be used to define the strain energy potential for isotropic hyperelastic material behavior;

  • is called at all material calculation points of elements for which the material definition contains user-defined hyperelastic behavior;

  • can include material behavior dependent on field variables or state variables;

  • requires that the strain energy density function has the Valanis-Landel form (see Valanis-Landel Form); and
  • requires that the values of the derivatives of the strain energy density function of the hyperelastic material be defined with respect to the principal deviatoric stretches and the elastic volume ratio (see Valanis-Landel Form).

This page discusses:

See Also
In Other Guides
Hyperelastic Behavior of Rubberlike Materials

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