Defining Nodal Thicknesses
You can specify the thickness of a shell, membrane, or rigid element at a particular node or node set.
Input File Usage
NODAL THICKNESS node_number or node_set_name, thickness
Abaqus/CAE Usage
Use the following option for a conventional shell composite layup:
Property module: composite layup editor: Shell Parameters: Nodal distribution: select an analytical field or a node-based discrete field
Use the following option for a homogeneous shell section:
Property module: shell section editor: Basic: Nodal distribution: select an analytical field or a node-based discrete field
Use the following option for a composite shell section:
Property module: shell section editor: Advanced: Nodal distribution: select an analytical field or a node-based discrete field
Reading Nodal Thicknesses from an Alternate File
The nodal thickness data can be stored in a separate file and read from there at the start of the analysis. For details on the syntax of such file names, see Input Syntax Rules.
Input File Usage
Abaqus/CAE Usage
Reading nodal thicknesses from an alternate file is not supported in Abaqus/CAE.
Generating Continuously Varying Thicknesses between Two Nodes or Node Sets
Abaqus can linearly interpolate the thickness between two bounding nodes or node sets. The thicknesses at the bounding nodes must first be defined.
Input File Usage
Use the following options:
NODAL THICKNESS first bounding node or node set, thickness second bounding node or node set, thickness NODAL THICKNESS, GENERATE first bounding node or node set, second bounding node or node set, number of intervals, increment in node numbers
Abaqus/CAE Usage
Generating thicknesses between bounding nodes or node sets is not supported in Abaqus/CAE.