Translating Moldflow Data to Abaqus Input Files

Moldflow Plastics Insight (referred to as Moldflow in this section) from Autodesk, Inc. models the plastics injection mold-filling process. The results of a Moldflow simulation include calculations of material properties and residual stresses in the plastic part.

The abaqus moldflow translator transforms finite element model information from a Moldflow analysis into a partial Abaqus input file. The translator requires the Moldflow interface files that are created by the Moldflow analysis. (See The Moldflow Interface Files for more information.)

For midplane simulations the abaqus moldflow translator reads the interface (.pat and .osp) files created by abaqus moldflow translator Version MPI 3 or later.

For three-dimensional solid simulations using Moldflow Version MPI 6 the translator reads the interface (.inp and .xml) files created using the Visual Basic script mpi2abq.vbs. This script is part of an Abaqus installation and is typically found in the moldflow_install_dir/Plastic Insight 6.0/data/commands directory.

This page discusses:

See Also
About Execution Procedures
In Other Guides
Moldflow translation examples

Products Abaqus/Standard