Direct Linear Equation Solver

Linear equation solution is used in linear and nonlinear analysis. In nonlinear analysis Abaqus/Standard uses the Newton method or a variant of it, such as the Riks method, within which it is necessary to solve a set of linear equations at each iteration. The direct linear equation solver finds the exact solution to this system of linear equations (up to machine precision). The direct linear equation solver in Abaqus/Standard:

  • uses a sparse, direct, Gauss elimination method; and

  • often represents the most time consuming part of the analysis (especially for large models)—the storage of the equations occupies the largest part of the disk space during the calculations.

See Also
Iterative Linear Equation Solver
In Other Guides
Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit Execution
Environment File Settings
Parallel Execution in Abaqus/Standard
Configuring analysis procedure settings
