Elastic-plastic line spring modeling of a finite length cylinder with a
part-through axial flaw
This example illustrates the use of line spring elements to model
a finite length cylinder with a part-through axial flaw.
The elastic-plastic line spring
elements in
are intended to provide inexpensive solutions for problems involving
part-through surface cracks in shell structures loaded predominantly in Mode I
by combined membrane and bending action in cases where it is important to
include the effects of inelastic deformation. When the line spring element
model reaches theoretical limitations, the shell-to-solid submodeling technique
is utilized to provide accurate -integral
results. The energy domain integral is used to evaluate the
J-integral for this case.
The case considered is a long cylinder with an axial flaw in its inside
surface, subjected to internal pressure. It is taken from the paper by Parks
and White (1982).
Geometry and model
The cylinder has an inside radius of 254 mm (10 in), wall thickness of 25.4
mm (1 in), and is assumed to be very long. The mesh is shown in
Figure 1.
It is refined around the crack by using multi-point constraints
(MPCs). There are 70 shell elements of type S8R in the symmetric quarter-model and eight symmetric line spring
elements (type LS3S) along the crack. The mesh is taken from Parks and White, who
suggest that this mesh is adequately convergent with respect to the fracture
parameters (J-integral values) that are the primary
objective of the analysis. No independent mesh studies have been done. The use
of MPCs to refine a mesh of reduced
integration shell elements (such as S8R) is generally satisfactory in relatively thick shells as in this
case. However, it is not recommended for thin shells because it introduces
constraints that “lock” the response in the finer mesh regions. In a thin shell
case the finer mesh would have to be carried out well away from the region of
high strain gradients.
Three different flaws are studied. All have the semi-elliptic geometry shown
Figure 2,
with, in all cases,
The three flaws have
ratios of 0.25 (a shallow crack), 0.5, and 0.8 (a deep crack). In all cases the
axial length of the cylinder is taken as 14 times the crack half-length,
this is assumed to be sufficient to approximate the infinite length.
An input data file for the case .5
without making the symmetry assumption about 0
is also included. This mesh uses the LS6 line spring elements and serves to check the elastic-plastic
capability of the LS6 elements. The results are the same as for the corresponding mesh
using LS3S elements and symmetry about 0.
The formulation of the LS6 elements assumes that the plasticity is predominately due to Mode
I deformation around the flaw and neglects the effect of the Mode
II and Mode
III deformation around the flaw. In the global
mesh the displacement in the -direction
is constrained to be zero at the node at the end of the flaw where the flaw
depth goes to zero. To duplicate this constraint in the mesh using LS6 elements, the two nodes at the end of the flaw (flaw depth = 0)
are constrained to have the same displacements.
The cylinder is assumed to be made of an elastic-plastic metal, with a
Young's modulus of 206.8 GPa (30 × 106 lb/in2), a
Poisson's ratio of 0.3, an initial yield stress of 482.5 MPa (70000
lb/in2, and constant work hardening to an ultimate stress of 689.4
MPa (105 lb/in2) at 10% plastic strain, with perfectly
plastic behavior at higher strains.
The loading consists of uniform internal pressure applied to all of the
shell elements, with edge loads applied to the far end of the cylinder to
provide the axial stress corresponding to a closed-end condition. Even though
the flaw is on the inside surface of the cylinder, the pressure is not applied
on the exposed crack face. Since pressure loads on the flaw surface of line
spring elements are implemented using linear superposition in
there is no theoretical basis for applying these loads when nonlinearities are
present. We assume that this is not a large effect in this problem. For
consistency with the line spring element models, pressure loading of the crack
face is not applied to the shell-to-solid submodel.
Results and discussion
The line spring elements provide J-integral values
Figure 3
shows the -integral
values at the center of the crack as functions of applied pressure for the
three flaws. In the input data the maximum time increment size has been limited
so that adequately smooth graphs can be obtained.
Figure 4
shows the variations of the -integral
values along the crack for the half-thickness crack (0.5),
at several different pressure levels (a normalized pressure,
is used, where
is the mean radius of the cylinder). These results all agree closely with those
reported by Parks and White (1982), where the authors state that these results
are also confirmed by other work. In the region 30°
the results are inaccurate for two reasons. First, the depth of the flaw is
changing very rapidly in this region, which makes the line spring approximation
quite inaccurate. Second,
is of the same order of magnitude as ,
but the line spring plasticity model is only valid when
The results toward the center of the crack (30°)
are more accurate than those at the ends of the crack since the flaw depth
changes less rapidly with position in this region and
is much larger than
For this reason only J values for
are shown in
Figure 4.
Shell-to-solid submodeling around the crack tip
An input file for the case 0.25,
which uses the shell-to-solid submodeling capability, is included. This C3D20R element mesh allows the user to study the local crack area using
the energy domain integral formulation for the -integral.
The submodel uses a focused mesh with four rows of elements around the crack
tip. A 1/r singularity is utilized at the crack tip, the
correct singularity for a fully developed perfectly plastic solution. Symmetry
boundary conditions are imposed on two edges of the submodel mesh, while
results from the global shell analysis are interpolated to two surfaces via the
submodeling technique. The global shell mesh gives satisfactory
J-integral results; hence, we assume that the
displacements at the submodel boundary are sufficiently accurate to drive the
deformation in the submodel. No attempt has been made to study the effect of
making the submodel region larger or smaller. The submodel is shown
superimposed on the global shell model in
Figure 5.
In addition, an input file for the case 0.25,
which consists of a full three-dimensional C3D20R solid element model, is included for use as a reference solution.
This model has the same general characteristics as the submodel mesh. See
for further details about this mesh. One important difference exists in
performing this analysis with shell elements as opposed to continuum elements.
The pressure loading is applied to the midsurface of the shell elements as
opposed to the continuum elements, where the pressure is accurately applied
along the inside surface of the cylinder. For this analysis this discrepancy
results in about 10% higher J-integral values for the line
spring shell element analysis as compared to the full three-dimensional solid
element model.
Results from the submodeled analyses are compared to the LS3S line spring element analysis and full solid element mesh for
variations of the J-integral values along the crack at the
a normalized pressure loading of
0.898, where
is the mean radius of the cylinder. As seen in
Figure 6,
the line spring elements underestimate the -integral
values for 50°
for reasons described previously. Note that at 0°
the J-integral should be zero due to the lack of crack-tip
constraint at the cylinder surface. A more refined mesh would be required to
model this phenomenon properly. It is quite obvious that the use of
shell-to-solid submodeling is required to augment a line spring element model
analysis to obtain accurate -integral
values near the surface of the cylinder.
Parks, D. M., and
C. S. White, “Elastic-Plastic Line-Spring Finite Elements
for Surface-Cracked Plates and Shells,”
Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, vol. 104, pp.
287–292, November
Figure 1. Finite element model for an axial flaw in a pressurized
cylinder. Figure 2. Schematic of a semi-elliptical surface crack. Figure 3. Normalized J-integral values
versus normalized applied pressure ,
is the mean radius of the cylinder. Figure 4. Normalized J-integral values
versus position along the flaw surface given by ,
for 0.5,
and normalized applied pressures =
.574, 1.097, and 1.172.
is the mean radius of the cylinder. Figure 5. Solid submodel superimposed on shell global model. Figure 6. Normalized J-integral values
versus position along the flaw surface given by
for 0.25
and at the normalized pressure. 0.898.
is the mean radius of the cylinder.