is used to obtain the initial shape of a sheet metal part given its final (deformed)
configuration and a reference blank surface to which the initial configuration
must conform;
neglects the history of the forming process by assuming proportional loading
(Hencky’s deformation theory of plasticity);
provides an accurate method for trim line development in flanging operations by unfolding the
flange onto the reference blank surface;
provides an estimate of plastic deformation induced during forming without
detailed modeling of the forming process;
ignores the effects of frictional forces between the tools and the part;
is available only with shell elements;
is a static procedure that neglects inertia effects;
The one-step inverse method (Batoz et al.) has become a key analysis tool during the
early stages of digital planning of sheet metal stamping processes. The method
requires only prior knowledge of the final part design, the material properties, and
the initial blank surface and thickness. Given this information, an inverse finite
element method is used to compute the initial shape of the part on the blank surface
(usually a flat surface). The method is particularly useful in the early stages of
part design. You can use the method to, among other things, assess the formability
of the part and estimate the blank size when tooling geometry is not yet
Another important application of the method is trim line development in sheet metal flanging
operations. The one-step inverse method can be used to unfold the flange from its
final (as designed) configuration onto an initial blank surface. The trim line can
be identified from the perimeter of the unfolded flange. The current capabilities
available in Abaqus/Standard are particularly suitable for flange unfolding applications as well as other
forming operations with relatively simple boundary conditions, such as clamping a
sheet edge.
One-step inverse analysis requires the following input:
Shell mesh of the final (deformed) configuration.
Shell section definition, including initial (undeformed) sheet thickness
and material definition.
Mesh of the blank surface that acts as the constraint for the solution of
the undeformed configuration.
Initial estimate of the undeformed configuration (usually based on
geometric projection) to act as the initial guess for the nonlinear
Newton method.
Node set representing the region of the model with prescribed boundary
conditions based on the forming process; the boundary conditions should
also be sufficient to prevent rigid body modes.
The one-step inverse method does not consider the intermediate history of the forming process.
Instead, it assumes that a proportional loading path is followed between the initial
and final configuration. In addition, the implementation of the method in Abaqus/Standard ignores the effect of friction forces on the part. Therefore, the accuracy of the
results depends on the validity of these assumptions for a given forming process.
The results of the analysis include the nodal coordinates in the initial
configuration (as defined by an inverse displacement vector) and the material state
(stress, plastic strain, thickness, etc.) in the final configuration. The method is
supported only with shell elements.
Part Definition
The definition of the part requires that you specify a mesh of shell elements that conforms to
the part geometry in its final configuration. In addition to the usual element
connectivity and nodal coordinates, it is recommended that the nodal definition also
include information about the nodal surface normals based on the geometry of the
part. These normals are needed to evaluate curvature changes with respect to the
undeformed configuration. If the nodal normals are not defined directly, Abaqus computes them by averaging the normals of the elements connected to the node.
Input File Usage
NODEdata lines to specify nodal coordinates and (optional but recommended) normals in the final configuration
One-step inverse analysis is always performed in one increment. If a material model includes
plastic behavior, the analysis is performed first without taking plasticity into
account. Next, this solution is used as a starting point in the analysis with the
complete material model.
The one-step inverse method is an iterative procedure that requires a stopping criterion—a
condition that, when satisfied, considers the solution of the current iteration to
be the final converged solution. During the iterations of a one-step inverse
analysis, Abaqus monitors the maximum incremental correction to the undeformed nodal coordinates.
When this value becomes smaller than a correction tolerance, the solution is
considered to have converged. The correction tolerance is determined as the product
of the reference shell section thickness and a thickness ratio. The default value of
the thickness ratio is 10–2 and can be modified using the field solution
The default for the maximum number of equilibrium iterations is 16. You can modify this value
using the time incrementation solution controls.
At every equilibrium iteration Abaqus performs line search iterations if the total norm of the residual vector is not
decreased by a prescribed factor. The default value of the maximum number of line
search iterations is 3, and the default value of the residual reduction factor is
1.0. You can modify these default values using the line search solution
Input File Usage
Use the following option to modify the value of the thickness ratio:
One-step inverse analysis uses an iterative Newton method to determine the undeformed
configuration of the part given its final configuration. The undeformed
configuration must conform to a surface (the blank surface) that acts as a
constraint to the solution. The Newton method requires an initial estimate of the
solution as a starting point in the iterative algorithm. You must define this
initial configuration by specifying initial conditions for the unfolded coordinates
of all nodes in the part (see Defining the Initial Configuration in a One-Step Inverse Analysis). The algorithm may fail to converge if this initial configuration is not
sufficiently close to the final solution or if it violates the surface constraint
significantly. Therefore, a good initial guess of the undeformed (or unfolded)
configuration can be critical to the success of the method. A number of CAD packages
offer tools to generate an initial guess based on geometric projections of a mesh
over a surface.
In addition, initial values of temperatures, field variables, solution-dependent
state variables, etc. can be specified, as described in Initial Conditions.
Input File Usage
INITIAL CONDITIONS, TYPE=UNFOLD COORDINATEdata lines to specify initial conditions of undeformed nodal coordinates
Boundary Conditions
To make the problem well posed, some of the nodes of the structure must be constrained. You
can use fixed boundary conditions to indicate the constrained nodes (see Fixing Degrees of Freedom at a Point in an Abaqus/Standard Analysis). All of the degrees of freedom of the specified nodes are constrained based on
their initial undeformed configuration, which was specified by initial
In the case of flange unfolding applications, there is usually a folding line that represents
the intersection of the folded flange geometry and the reference blank surface. The
nodes on the folding line should be constrained with a fixed boundary condition.
For other applications, such as deep drawing of a metal cup, you should define fixed boundary
conditions for a set of nodes (for example, along the perimeter of the part), such
that their displacements are fully prescribed from the difference between the nodal
coordinates in the final configuration and the undeformed configuration (defined by
the initial conditions). More complex boundary conditions that represent blank
holding forces or draw beads are not supported.
Input File Usage
BOUNDARY, FIXEDdata lines to describe fixed boundary conditions
No loads can be prescribed in a one-step inverse analysis.
Predefined Fields
The following predefined fields can be specified in a one-step inverse analysis, as described
in Predefined Fields:
Although temperature is not a degree of freedom in a one-step inverse analysis, you can
specify nodal temperatures. Any difference between the applied and initial
temperatures causes thermal strain if a thermal expansion coefficient is
given for the material (Thermal Expansion). The specified temperature also affects temperature-dependent material
properties, if any.
You can specify values of user-defined field variables. These values affect only field
variable–dependent material properties, if any.
Material Options
In one-step inverse analysis, isotropic elastic and elastic-plastic material models are
supported (with transverse anisotropy is allowed; see Defining Transversely Isotropic Elasticity). Using other material models may lead to convergence
The following shell element types are supported in a one-step inverse analysis to model the
S4R, and
STRI3 elements. You can use any
element type to model the blank.
You must define the blank surface on which you expect to position the (unknown) undeformed
configuration of the part (see About Surfaces). The
blank surface can be any type of surface that is allowed as a main surface in Abaqus/Standard contact calculations. The blank surface acts as a main surface in a no-separation
contact pair definition, while the secondary surface must include all the elements
of the part to be analyzed (see Using the No Separation Relationship). During the one-step inverse solution process, the no-separation contact
constraint is applied only to the reference configuration of the part, thereby
enforcing the solution of the undeformed configuration to be on this surface.
In addition to the usual output variables available in Abaqus/Standard (see Abaqus/Standard Output Variable Identifiers), the
following nodal variable is provided specifically for one-step inverse procedures:
Inverse displacement. The displacement from the specified final deformed configuration to
the initial configuration.
Displacement U is always zero in a one-step
inverse analysis.
You can visualize the initial configuration of the part in Abaqus/Viewer by
creating a deformed plot using
UINV as the deformed variable.
A one-step inverse analysis is subject to the following limitations:
Only one step is allowed in a one-step inverse analysis.
General shell section behavior cannot be used.
The model of the part must consist of connected regions.
Input File Template
NODEData lines to specify nodal coordinates and (optional) normals in the final configurationINITIAL CONDITIONS, TYPE=UNFOLD COORDINATEData lines to specify initial undeformed nodal coordinatesCONTACT PAIR, INTERACTION=interaction_property_namesecondary_surface_name, main_surface_nameSURFACE INTERACTION, NAME=interaction_property_nameSURFACE BEHAVIOR, NO SEPARATION
ONE-STEP INVERSE, UNFOLDBOUNDARY, FIXEDData lines to describe fixed boundary conditionsEND STEP
Batoz, J.L., Y. Q. Guo, and F. Mercier, “The Inverse Approach with Simple Triangular Shell Elements for Large Strain Predictions of Sheet Metal Forming Parts,” Engineering Computations, vol. 15, pp. 864–892, 1998.