The plasticity models provided in
have been described in general terms in
About plasticity models.
The only rate equations are the evolutionary rule for the hardening, the flow
rule, and the strain rate decomposition.
The simplest operator that provides unconditional stability for integration
of rate equations is the backward Euler method: applying this method to the
flow rule (Equation 5)
and applying it to the hardening evolution equations,
Equation 6,
In these equations and throughout the remainder of this section any quantity
not specifically associated with a time point is taken at the end of the
increment (at time ).
The strain rate decomposition,
Equation 2,
is integrated over a time increment as
is defined by the central difference operator:
We integrate the total values of each strain measure as the sum of the value
of that strain at the start of the increment, rotated to account for rigid body
motion during the increment, and the strain increment. The rotation to account
for rigid body motion during the increment is defined approximately using the
algorithm of
and Winget (1980). This integration allows the strain rate decomposition
to be integrated into
From a computational viewpoint the problem is now algebraic: we must solve
the integrated equations of the constitutive model for the state at the end of
the increment. The set of equations that define the algebraic problem are the
strain decomposition,
Equation 3;
the elasticity,
Equation 3;
the integrated flow rule,
Equation 1;
the integrated hardening laws,
Equation 2;
and for rate independent models, the yield constraints
for active systems (systems in which
have ).
We assume that the flow surface is sufficiently smooth so that its (second)
derivatives with respect to stress and the hardening parameters are
well-defined. This is generally true for the models in
the exceptions occur at corners or vertices of the surfaces. These special
cases are handled individually when they arise.
For some plasticity models the algebraic problem can be solved in closed
form. For other models it is possible to reduce the problem to a one variable
or a two variable problem that can then be solved to give the entire solution.
For example, the Mises yield surface—which is generally used for isotropic
metals, together with linear, isotropic elasticity—is a case for which the
integrated problem can be solved exactly or in one variable (see
Isotropic elasto-plasticity).
For other rate-independent models with a single yield system the algebraic
problem is considered to be a problem in the components of
Once these have been found—the elasticity—together with the integrated strain
rate decomposition—define the stress. The flow rule then defines
and the hardening laws define the increments in the hardening variables.
We now derive the equations for the Newton solution of the integrated
problem for the case of rate-independent plasticity with a single yield system.
The rate-dependent problem with a single yield system is solved in a similar
way. For the particular cases of multiple, independent, yield systems (concrete
and jointed material) particular techniques are used for this algebraic
solution, taking advantage of the simplifications available in those particular
models. The concrete model and its integration are described in
An inelastic constitutive model for concrete,
and the jointed material model is described in
Constitutive model for jointed materials.
During the solution, the elasticity relationship and the integrated strain
rate decomposition are satisfied exactly, so that
is the correction to the stress,
is the correction to the plastic strain increments, and
is the tangent elasticity matrix.
The hardening laws are also satisfied exactly (because the increments of the
hardening parameters are defined from these laws) so that
is the correction to
is the correction to .
This set of equations can be rewritten
The flow rule is not satisfied exactly until the solution has been found, so
it gives the Newton equations
Equation 5
Equation 6
allows these equations to be rewritten as
Likewise, the yield condition is not satisfied exactly during the Newton
iteration, so
Equation 5
Equation 6
in this equation gives
We now eliminate
Equation 7
Equation 8.
Equation 7
and using
Equation 8
Using this equation in
Equation 7
then gives
which is a set of linear equations solved for the .
The solution is then updated and the Newton loop continued until the flow
equation and yield constraint are satisfied.
The solution for rate-dependent plasticity models with a single yield
function is developed in the same way, the only differences being the lack of a
yield constraint and the identification of
with time.