User subroutine to define wave kinematics for an Abaqus/Aqua analysis.

User subroutine VWAVE:

  • will be called for a collection of points (typically load integration points) for which an Abaqus/Aqua load and a user-defined gravity wave are specified;

  • can be used to define wave kinematics to provide unsteady contributions to fluid variables—such as velocity, acceleration, pressure, gradient of pressure along elevation, and the instantaneous free-surface elevation—as a function of time and space; and

  • will be called twice within an increment for each Abaqus/Aqua load. The first call is used to obtain the instantaneous wave-surface elevation at the nodes of the elements on which the loads are applied. The second call is used to obtain desired fluid variables at the integration points for the load calculations.

This page discusses:

See Also
In Other Guides
Abaqus/Aqua Analysis
