User subroutine to define damage variable for the Mullins effect material model.

User subroutine VUMULLINS:

  • can be used to define the damage variable for the Mullins effect material model (Mullins Effect), including the use of the Mullins effect approach to model energy dissipation in elastomeric foams (Energy Dissipation in Elastomeric Foams);

  • will be called for blocks of material calculation points for which the material definition contains a user-defined Mullins effect;

  • can be used to define a failure criterion based on the strain energy density of the material;

  • can use and update solution-dependent state variables;

  • can use any field variables that are passed in; and

  • should be used when you do not want to use the Ogden and Roxburgh form of the damage variable, η, that is used by Abaqus/Explicit.

This page discusses:

See Also
In Other Guides
Mullins Effect
Energy Dissipation in Elastomeric Foams
Mullins effect and permanent set
