User Subroutine Interface
subroutine vueos (
C Read only (unmodifiable) variables –
1 nblock,
2 jElem, kIntPt, kLayer, kSecPt,
3 stepTime, totalTime, dt, cmname,
4 nstatev, nfieldv, nprops,
5 props, tempOld, tempNew, fieldOld, fieldNew,
6 stateOld, charLength, coordMp,
7 densityMean, refDensity, densityNew,
8 dkk, Em,
C Write only (modifiable) variables –
8 press, dPdRho, dPdEm,
9 stateNew )
include ''
dimension props(nprops),
1 tempOld(nblock),
2 fieldOld(nblock,nfieldv),
3 stateOld(nblock,nstatev),
4 tempNew(nblock),
5 fieldNew(nblock,nfieldv),
6 charLength(nblock), coordMp(nblock,*),
7 densityMean(nblock), refDensity(nblock),
8 densityNew(nblock),
9 dkk(nblock), Em(nblock),
1 press(nblock),dPdRho(nblock),dPdEm(nblock),
2 stateNew(nblock)
character*80 cmname
do 100 km = 1,nblock
user coding to define/update press, dPdRho, dPdEm
100 continue
Variables to Be Defined
- press(nblock)
The material point pressure stress, p.
- dPdRho(nblock)
The derivative of the pressure with respect to the density,
This quantity is needed for the evaluation of the effective moduli of the
material, which enters the stable time increment calculation.
- dPdEm(nblock)
The derivative of the pressure with respect to the internal energy,
This quantity is needed for the iterative Newton loop used outside of the user
subroutine to solve for pressure.
Variables That Can Be Updated
- stateNew(nblock,nstatev)
State variables at each material point at the end of the increment. You
define the size of this array by allocating space for it (see
About User Subroutines and Utilities
for more information).
Variables Passed in for Information
- nblock
Number of material points to be processed in this call to
- jElem(nblock)
Array of element numbers.
- kIntPt
Integration point number.
- kLayer
Layer number.
- kSecPt
Section point number within the current layer.
- stepTime
Value of time since the step began.
- totalTime
Value of total time. The time at the beginning of the step is given by
totalTime - stepTime.
- dt
Time increment size.
- cmname
User-specified material name, left justified. It is passed in as an
uppercase character string. Some internal material models are given names
starting with the “ABQ_” character string. To
avoid conflict, you should not use “ABQ_” as
the leading string for cmname.
- nstatev
Number of user-defined state variables that are associated with this
material type (you define the number as described in
Allocating Space for Solution-Dependent State Variables).
- nfieldv
Number of user-defined external field variables.
- nprops
User-specified number of user-defined material properties.
- props(nprops)
User-supplied material properties.
- tempOld(nblock)
Temperatures at each material point at the beginning of the increment.
- tempNew(nblock)
Temperatures at each material point at the end of the increment.
- fieldOld(nblock,nfieldv)
Values of the user-defined field variables at each material point at the
beginning of the increment.
- fieldNew(nblock,nfieldv)
Values of the user-defined field variables at each material point at the end
of the increment.
- stateOld(nblock,nstatev)
State variables at each material point at the beginning of the increment.
- charLength(nblock)
Characteristic element length, which is either the default value based on
the geometric mean or the user-defined characteristic element length defined in
user subroutine VUCHARLENGTH. The default value
is a typical length of a line across an element for a first-order element; it
is half the same typical length for a second-order element. For beams, pipes,
and trusses, the default value is a characteristic length along the element
axis. For membranes and shells it is a characteristic length in the reference
surface. For axisymmetric elements it is a characteristic length in the
r–z plane only. For cohesive elements
it is equal to the constitutive thickness.
- coordMp(nblock,*)
Material point coordinates.
- densityMean(nblock)
Value of density at the middle of the current increment.
- refDensity(nblock)
The reference density.
- densityNew(nblock)
The current density for this increment.
- dkk(nblock)
The volumetric strain increment.
- Em(nblock)
The element specific internal energy (per unit mass)
Example: User Subroutine VUEOS to Reproduce Results Obtained with EOS, TYPE=USUP
As a simple example of coding of user subroutine
VUEOS, consider the following form of the Mie-Grüneisen equation
of state with
0.0 and a linear dependency between pressure and internal energy:
where .
Therefore, the results obtained with user subroutine
VUEOS should be the same as the results obtained with the linear
type of EOS already available in
Equation of state material.
The code in user subroutine
VUEOS must return the pressure, ,
as in the above equation; the derivative of the pressure with respect to the
density, ;
and the derivative of the pressure with respect to the energy,
For the case considered here, these values are
subroutine vueos (
C Read only (unmodifiable) variables –
1 nblock,
2 jElem, kIntPt, kLayer, kSecPt,
3 stepTime, totalTime, dt, cmname,
4 nstatev, nfieldv, nprops,
5 props, tempOld, tempNew, fieldOld, fieldNew,
6 stateOld, charLength, coordMp,
7 densityMean, refDensity, densityNew,
8 dkk, Em,
C Write only (modifiable) variables –
8 press, dPdRho, dPdEm,
9 stateNew )
include ''
dimension props(nprops),
1 tempOld(nblock),
2 fieldOld(nblock,nfieldv),
3 stateOld(nblock,nstatev),
4 tempNew(nblock),
5 fieldNew(nblock,nfieldv),
6 charLength(nblock), coordMp(nblock,*),
7 densityMean(nblock), refDensity(nblock),
8 densityNew(nblock),
9 dkk(nblock), Em(nblock),
1 press(nblock),dPdRho(nblock),dPdEm(nblock),
2 stateNew(nblock)
character*80 cmname
parameter ( zero = 0.d0, one = 1.d0, half = 0.5d0 )
c0 = props(1)
gamma0 = props(2)
c02 = c0*c0
do k=1, nblock
rho0 = refDensity(k)
eta = one - rho0/densityNew(k)
f1 = rho0*c02*eta*(one-half*gamma0*eta)
f2 = gamma0*rho0
press(k) = f1 + f2*Em(k)
C dP/dEm
dPdEm(k) = f2
C dP/dRho
dPdRho(k)= c02*(rho0/densityNew(k))**2*(one-gamma0*eta)
end do