Mohr-Coulomb Plasticity

The Mohr-Coulomb plasticity model:

  • is used to model materials with the classical Mohr-Coloumb yield criterion;

  • allows the material to harden and/or soften isotropically;

  • uses a smooth flow potential that has a hyperbolic shape in the meridional stress plane and a piecewise elliptic shape in the deviatoric stress plane;

  • is used with the linear elastic material model (Linear Elastic Behavior);

  • can be used with the Rankine surface (tension cutoff) to limit load carrying capacity near the tensile region; and

  • can be used for design applications in the geotechnical engineering area to simulate material response under essentially monotonic loading.

This page discusses:

See Also
About the Material Library
Inelastic Behavior
In Other Guides
Defining Mohr-Coulomb plasticity

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