provides two-dimensional (PSI24 and PSI26) and three-dimensional (PSI34 and PSI36) pipe-soil interaction elements for modeling the interaction
between a buried pipeline and the surrounding soil.
The pipeline itself is modeled with any of the beam, pipe, or elbow elements
in the
element library (see
About Beam Modeling
Pipes and Pipebends with Deforming Cross-Sections: Elbow Elements).
The ground behavior and soil-pipe interaction are modeled with the pipe-soil
interaction (PSI) elements. These elements
have only displacement degrees of freedom at their nodes. One side or edge of
the element shares nodes with the underlying beam, pipe, or elbow element that
models the pipeline (see
Figure 1).
The nodes on the other edge represent a far-field surface, such as the ground
surface, and are used to prescribe the far-field ground motion via boundary
conditions together with amplitude references as needed.
Figure 1. Pipe-soil interaction model.
The far-field side and the side that shares nodes with the pipeline are
defined by the element connectivity. Care must be taken in attaching the
underlying elements to the correct edge of the
PSI element, since the connectivity of the
pipe-soil element determines the local coordinate system as defined below, and
the depth, H, of the pipeline below the ground surface.
The depth below the surface is measured along the edge of the
PSI element as shown in
Figure 1
and is updated during geometrically nonlinear analysis.
It is important to note that PSI elements
do not discretize the actual domain of the surrounding soil. The extent of the
soil domain is reflected through the stiffness of the elements, which is
defined by the constitutive model as described later.
The pipe-soil interaction model does not include the density of the
surrounding soil medium. Mass can be associated with the model by applying
concentrated MASS elements (see
Point Masses) at
the nodes of the pipe-soil interaction elements if needed.
Assigning the Pipe-Soil Interaction Behavior to a PSI Element
You must assign the pipe-soil interaction behavior to a set of pipe-soil
interaction elements.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to assign the pipe-soil interaction
behavior to a particular element set:
The deformation of the pipe-soil interaction element is characterized by the
relative displacements between the two edges of the element. When the element
is “strained” by the relative displacements, forces are applied to the pipeline
nodes. These forces can be a linear (elastic) or nonlinear (elastic-plastic)
function of the “strains,” depending on the type of constitutive model used for
the element. Positive “strains” are defined by
are the relative displacements between the two edges
are the far-field displacements, and
are the pipeline displacements),
are local directions, and the index i (=1, 2, 3) refers to
the three local directions. For two-dimensional elements only the in-plane
components of strain ,
exist. For three-dimensional elements all three strain components
The local orientation system is defined by three orthonormal directions:
and .
The default local directions are defined so that
is the direction along the pipeline (axial direction),
is the direction normal to the plane of the element (transverse horizontal
direction), and
is the direction in the plane of the element that defines the transverse
vertical behavior. Positive default directions are defined so that
points toward the second pipeline node and
points from the pipeline edge toward the far-field edge, as shown in
Figure 1.
You can also define these local directions by specifying a local orientation
for the pipe-soil interaction.
In a large-displacement analysis the local coordinate system rotates with
the rigid body motion of the underlying pipeline. In a small-displacement
analysis the local system is defined by the initial geometry of the
PSI element and remains fixed in space during
the analysis.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to associate a local orientation with
a pipe-soil interaction behavior:
The constitutive behavior for a pipe-soil interaction is defined by the
force per unit length, or “stress,” at each point along the pipeline,
caused by relative displacement or “strain,” ,
between that point and the point on the far-field surface:
are state variables (such as plastic strains), and
are temperatures and/or field variables.
You can define these
relationships quite generally by programming them in user subroutine
UMAT. Alternatively, you can define the relationships by
specifying the data directly. In this case the assumption is that the
foundation behavior is separable:
in which case each of the independent relationships must be defined
assumes, by default, that these relationships are symmetric about the origin
(as is generally appropriate for the axial and transverse horizontal motions).
However, you may give a nonsymmetric behavior for any of the three relative
motions (this is usually the case in the vertical direction when the pipeline
is not buried too deeply). These models assume that positive “strains” give
rise to forces on the pipe that act along the positive directions of the local
coordinate system.
Specifying the Constitutive Behavior with a User Subroutine
To define the
relationships quite generally, you can program them in user subroutine
Two methods are provided for specifying constitutive behavior data directly.
One method is to define the
relationships directly in tabular (piecewise linear) form. The other method is
to use ASCE formulae. Forms of these
relationships suitable for use with sands and clays are defined in the
ASCE Guidelines for the Seismic Design of Oil
and Gas Pipeline Systems.
Specifying the Constitutive Behavior Directly Using Tabular Input
You can define a linear or nonlinear constitutive model with different
behavior in tension and compression using tabular input.
Linear Model
To define a linear constitutive model, you specify the stiffness as a
function of temperature and field variables (see
Figure 2).
You can enter different values for positive and negative “strain.”
assumes, by default, that the relationship is symmetric about the origin.
To define a nonlinear constitutive model, you specify the
relationship as a function of positive and negative relative displacement
(“strain”), temperature, and field variables (see
Figure 3).
The behavior is assumed symmetric about the origin if only positive or negative
data are provided.
Figure 3. Nonlinear constitutive relationship.
You must provide the data in ascending order of relative displacement; you
should provide it over a sufficiently wide range of relative displacement
values so that the behavior is defined correctly. The force remains constant
outside the range of data points. You must separate positive and negative data
by specifying the data point at the origin of the force-relative displacement
diagram. The two data points immediately before and after the data point at the
origin define the elastic stiffness,
and ,
and the initial elastic limits,
and ,
as indicated in
Figure 3.
The model provides linear elastic behavior if
are the equivalent plastic strains associated with negative and positive
deformations, respectively. Inelastic deformation occurs when the relative
force exceeds these elastic limits.
Hardening of the model is controlled by independent evolution of
and .
The model assumes that
remains constant when the increment in relative displacement is negative, and
remains constant when the increment in relative displacement is positive. The
response predicted by this model during a full loading cycle is shown in
Figure 4
for a simple constitutive law that uses different bilinear behavior associated
with positive and negative force.
Figure 4
shows that the yield stress associated with positive force is updated to
while the initial yield stress associated with negative force,
remains constant during initial loading. Similarly, during subsequent reversed
loading the yield stress associated with negative force is updated to
while the yield stress associated with positive force remains constant.
Consequently, yielding occurs at
during the next load reversal. Such behavior is appropriate for the directions
transverse to the pipeline where it is expected that relative positive motion
between the pipe and soil is independent from relative negative motion between
the pipe and soil.
Figure 4. Cyclic loading for a bilinear model.
An isotropic hardening model is used if the behavior is symmetric about
the origin (when only positive or negative data are provided). In this case
only one equivalent plastic strain variable, ,
is used, which is updated when either negative or positive inelastic
deformation occurs. Such an evolution model is more appropriate along the axial
direction where it is expected that positive inelastic deformation influences
subsequent negative inelastic deformation.
Specifying the Constitutive Behavior Directly Using ASCE Formulae
also provides analytical models to describe the pipe-soil interaction. These
models define the constant ultimate force that can be exerted on the pipeline.
In other words, these models describe elastic, perfectly plastic behavior.
Forms of these formulae suitable for use with sands and clays are described in
detail in the ASCE Guidelines for the Seismic
Design of Oil and Gas Pipeline Systems.
The ASCE formulae can be applied in any
arbitrary local system by associating an orientation definition with the
element. However, these formulae are intended to be used in the default local
coordinate system so that the formula for axial behavior is applied along the
pipeline axis (the 1-direction), the formula for vertical behavior is applied
along the 2-direction, and the formula for horizontal behavior along the
3-direction. You must specify the direction in which the behavior is specified
when it is described by ASCE fomulae.
You specify all the parameters in the expressions below, except the depth,
H, below the surface, which is measured along the edge of
the PSI element as shown in
Figure 1
and is updated during geometrically nonlinear analysis. Values for the
remaining parameters can be found in standard soil mechanics textbooks. Typical
values are also provided in the ASCE
Guidelines for the Seismic Design of Oil and Gas Pipeline Systems.
Axial Behavior
The ultimate axial load for sand, ,
is given by
is the coefficient of soil pressure at rest, H is the
depth from the ground surface to the center of the pipeline,
D is the external diameter of the pipeline,
is the effective unit weight of soil, and
is the interface angle of friction.
The ultimate axial load for clay is given by
where S is the undrained soil shear strength and
is an empirical adhesion factor that relates the undrained soil shear strength
to the cohesion, .
The maximum load is reached at an ultimate relative displacement,
of approximately 2.5 to 5.0 mm (0.1 to 0.2 inches) for sand and approximately
2.5 to 10.0 mm (0.2 to 0.4 inches) for clay. A linear elastic response is
assumed for .
The axial behavior is assumed to be symmetric about the origin.
Consequently, only one equivalent plastic strain variable,
describes the evolution of the model. The equivalent plastic strain is updated
when either negative or positive inelastic deformation occurs.
Input File Usage
Use one of the following options to define the axial
The vertical behavior is described by different relationships for “upward”
motion (when the pipeline rises with respect to the ground surface) and
“downward” motion. Downward motions give rise to positive relative
displacements so that positive forces are applied to the pipeline. Similarly,
upward motions give rise to negative relative displacements and pipeline
The ultimate force for downward motion of the pipe in sand is given by
are bearing capacity factors for vertical strip footings, vertically loaded in
the downward direction, and
is the total soil unit weight. Other parameters are defined in the previous
section. The ultimate force for downward motion of the pipe in clay is given by
is a bearing capacity factor. The ultimate force is reached at a relative
displacement of approximately
for both sand and clay.
The ultimate force for upward motion of the pipe in sand is given by
and for clay by
are vertical uplift factors.
The ultimate force is reached at a relative displacement of approximately
for sand and
for clay.
The transverse vertical behavior is non-symmetric about the origin.
Consequently, two equivalent plastic strain variables—one associated with
negative relative displacement, ,
and the other with positive relative displacement, —are
used to describe the evolution of the model. The model assumes that
remains constant when the increment in relative displacement is negative, and
remains constant when the increment in relative displacement is positive.
Input File Usage
Use one of the following options to define the vertical
The horizontal force-relative displacement relationship for sand is given
and for clay by
are horizontal bearing capacity factors. Other variables are defined in the
previous sections. The ultimate force is reached at a relative displacement of
approximately ,
is between 0.07 to 0.1 for loose sand, between 0.03 to 0.05 for medium sand and
clay, and between 0.02 to 0.03 for dense sand.
The transverse horizontal behavior is assumed to be symmetric about the
origin. Consequently, only one equivalent plastic strain variable,
describes the evolution of the model. The equivalent plastic strain is updated
when either negative or positive inelastic deformation occurs.
Input File Usage
Use one of the following options to define the horizontal
Specifying the Directions for Which the Constitutive Behavior Is Defined
If you are defining the constitutive behavior by specifying the data
directly, by default an isotropic model is assumed. If the model is not
isotropic, you can specify different constitutive relationships in each
direction. For two-dimensional nonisotropic models you must specify the
behavior in two directions; for three-dimensional nonisotropic models you must
specify the behavior in three directions. You must indicate the direction in
which the behavior is specified. You can specify the 1-direction, 2-direction,
3-direction, axial direction, vertical direction, or horizontal direction.
assumes that the axial direction is equivalent to the 1-direction, the vertical
direction is equivalent to the 2-direction, and the horizontal direction is
equivalent to the 3-direction.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to define an isotropic constitutive
where direction can be 1, 2, 3, AXIAL, VERTICAL, or HORIZONTAL. Repeat the
PIPE-SOIL STIFFNESS option with the DIRECTION parameter as many times as necessary to define the behavior in
each direction.
The force per unit length in the element local system is available through
the “stress” output variable S. Relative
deformation is available through the “strain” output variable
E. Elastic and plastic “strains” are available
through the output variables EE and
Element nodal force (the force the element places on the pipeline nodes, in
the global system) is available through element variable
Audibert, J.M.E., D. J. Nyman, and T. D. O'Rourke, “Differential
Ground Movement Effects on Buried
Pipelines,” Guidelines for the Seismic Design
of Oil and Gas Pipeline Systems, ASCE
publication, pp. 151–180, 1984.