Mass Scaling

You can use element mass scaling for computational efficiency and contact mass scaling to avoid reductions in the time increment size due to contact stiffness.

Element mass scaling is often used in Abaqus/Explicit for computational efficiency in quasi-static analyses and in some dynamic analyses that contain a few very small elements that control the stable time increment. You can use element mass scaling to:

  • scale the mass of the entire model or scale the masses of individual elements and/or element sets;

  • scale the mass on a per step basis in a multistep analysis; and

  • scale the mass at the beginning of the step and/or throughout the step.

You can use contact mass scaling to avoid reductions in the time increment size due to contact stiffness. Contact mass scaling can be used together with or separately from element mass scaling. Contact mass scaling adds mass to surface nodes to avoid having the local time increment drop below the global time increment that would be in effect without consideration of the contact stiffness.

This page discusses:

See Also
Explicit Dynamic Analysis
In Other Guides
Mass Adjustment
About Output
Configuring a dynamic, explicit procedure
Configuring a dynamic fully coupled thermal-stress procedure using explicit integration

Products Abaqus/Explicit Abaqus/CAE