The goal of the adaptive remeshing process is to approach or reach targets
on selected error indicators for a specified model and its accompanying load
history. See
About Adaptivity Techniques
for a comparison of this process to other
adaptivity methods.
The following steps are required to incorporate adaptive remeshing into your
You identify regions of the model where you wish to apply one or more
adaptive remeshing rules. A remeshing rule defines the step during which it
will be applied, the error indicator output variables and targets for those
error indicators, the sizing method, and any constraints on element size. See
What are remeshing rules?.
You define a succession of analysis jobs, an adaptivity
process, that will be run as
attempts to meet your remeshing rule targets. See
What is an adaptivity process?.
Based on these remeshing rules and your adaptivity process definition,
uses the error indicator variables in a sizing function to compute
element sizes for a new mesh, respecting any size constraints you might specify
Solution-Based Mesh Sizing),
generates a new mesh in the regions specified, based on the computed
element sizes. The neighboring regions will also be remeshed.
Figure 1. User actions and automated
actions in the adaptive remeshing process.
Typical Applications
Adaptive remeshing can improve the quality of your simulation results.
Adaptive remeshing can be helpful when:
you are unsure how refined a mesh needs to be to reach a particular
level of accuracy or how coarse the mesh can be without unacceptably impacting
solution accuracy;
it is difficult to design an adequately refined mesh near a region of
interest, such as near a stress riser; or
you do not know a location of interest, such as with formation of a
plastic zone, a priori.
An example of using adaptive remeshing to study the
thermal and stress behavior of a bolted vessel is provided in
Thermal-stress analysis of a reactor pressure vessel bolted closure. The example includes a Python script that you can run from
to create the model and the remeshing rules. A second script allows you to
submit the adaptivity process and to view the changing mesh as
computes new element sizes.
Example: Stress Riser
Figure 2
shows how adaptive remeshing generates a high-quality mesh for a typical
notched specimen subjected to axial loading.
Figure 2. Stress riser mesh before and after refinement.
Figure 3
shows the effect of these mesh changes on solution accuracy in comparison to
the effect of uniform mesh refinement on solution accuracy. Adaptive mesh
refinement is much more efficient than uniform mesh refinement at reducing
solution error.
Figure 3. Comparison of adaptive remeshing to uniform mesh refinement based on
boundary seeding.
Example: Plastic Hinge
This example, a doubly-notched specimen axially strained until a plastic
hinge or band forms, is used to demonstrate how adaptive remeshing will focus a
mesh on a plastic hinge. It illustrates the value of adaptive remeshing in
cases where the region of interest may not be known a priori.
Figure 4
shows the specimen and the region of active yielding.
Figure 5
shows the original mesh and the adapted mesh after three adaptive remeshing
Figure 4. Region of active yielding in a doubly-notched specimen. Figure 5. Mesh of doubly-notched specimen before and after adaptive
Preparing Your Model for Adaptive Remeshing
You use
to do the following when performing adaptive remeshing:
create the model and specify the boundary conditions and loading
create remeshing rules,
create an adaptivity process, and
start and monitor the progress of the adaptivity process.
Creating the Model
You do not have to consider adaptive remeshing when you create the model and
specify the boundary conditions and loading history; however, before using
adaptive remeshing you must do the following:
create the geometry of the model—you cannot use an orphan mesh part—and
provide an initial, nominal, mesh. This mesh can be fairly coarse.
Providing an extremely coarse mesh, however, can result in more adaptive remesh
iterations due to the poor quality of early remesh iteration error indicator
calculations. You can, in typical cases, define a reasonable initial mesh by
using the default part instance mesh seeding in
You create and configure an adaptivity process using the
Job module
When you create an adaptivity process, you can specify the maximum number of
remesh iterations to be performed and set various system resource parameters.
Creating, editing, and manipulating jobs
for details.
Abaqus/CAE Usage
Job module: AdaptivityCreate
Performing Adaptive Remeshing with a Provisional Analysis
In some cases you will want to determine an adequate mesh for your model
prior to conducting a fully detailed analysis, which might include many steps
and complex behavior. A “provisional” analysis can often be used, along with
adaptive remeshing, to efficiently determine a good mesh for a model. The
provisional analysis may include various simplifications of your fully detailed
analyis, such as
replacing your steps with a single linear perturbation step with loading
that adequately reflects your more general loading cases,
removing plasticity and other material nonlinearities, and
disabling geometric nonlinearity.
The provisional analysis approach may result in a mesh that is not ideally
suited to your ultimate choice of loading. However, the cost for obtaining a
mesh from a provisional model may be significantly lower than the case where
your adaptivity process considers all of the complexity in the fully detailed
analysis, and you may find the refined mesh adequate for use in a variety of
analysis situations.
Special Considerations
In general, the
adaptive remeshing process iterates automatically toward a better quality mesh;
however, you should be aware of certain considerations.
Stress singularities frequently result from geometric abstractions, such as
reentrant corners and contact of a sharp edge in elastic materials, and from
point loads or abruptly ended distributed load regions. In these situations the
stress field near the singularity is unbounded, and no amount of mesh
refinement will enable resolution of the correct solution. If you apply the
adaptive remeshing process to regions of your model that include singularities,
the process will drive elements near the singularity to very small sizes. The
end result may be unacceptably expensive analyses.
You can prevent excessively expensive analyses of models with singularities
using the following techniques:
Exclude the region of the singularity from consideration in the
remeshing process. You exclude a region by partitioning the model and assigning
remeshing rules only to regions away from the singularity.
Apply a minimum element size constraint in the remeshing rule.
does assign a minimum element size by default, which is a fraction of the
default part instance mesh seed. You can modify this constraint to achieve a
quality solution near the singularity while avoiding an excessively refined
mesh. You can also use the remeshing rule to control the rate at which
refines the size of the elements. Element size constraints may prevent an
adaptivity process from achieving specified error indicator targets.
Specify a maximum number of elements for a remeshing rule region.
adjusts the mesh sizing such that the generated total number of elements
approximately satisfies this constraint.
Convergence Issues
Figure 6
shows a typical history of an error indicator and the computational cost, in
versus remesh iteration.
Figure 6. Error indicator and computational cost versus iteration for a model
with a 25% error indicator target.
The example in
Figure 6
shows a desirable convergence profile. The solution error indicator decreases
monotonically and quickly to the desired 25% error indicator target.
Accompanying this error indicator decrease is a moderate increase in
computational cost, measured either in model degrees of freedom or time in
Certain situations can interfere with this desirable convergence profile, as
If your initial mesh is too coarse, the error indicator variables may be
of insufficient quality to result in a mesh that is sufficiently improved in
the next iteration. The adaptive remeshing process typically creates a
high-quality mesh eventually even if the initial mesh is quite coarse. However,
some mesh iterations can be avoided with a reasonably refined initial mesh.
Minimum element size constraints and constraints on the maximum number
of elements that you specify when creating the remeshing rule can prevent the
mesh from achieving sufficient refinement (in the extreme case of singularities
this will always be the case) to satisfy your error indicator targets. You may
be able to satisfy your targets by relaxing these constraints; for example, by
decreasing the minimum element size. For more information, see
What are remeshing rules?.
In addition to producing small mesh sizes resulting in a large number of
elements, singularities can cause an adaptivity process to fail in achieving
the error target or to require more remeshing iterations. As described in
above, you can control the computational cost by specifying a minimum element
size constraint or the maximum number of elements. In any case where a
singularity exists within a remeshing rule region, you may see poor convergence
in the error indicator results.
Linear elements (C3D4, CPS4, etc.) and modified elements (C3D10M, CPS6M, etc.) converge slowly compared to quadratic elements (C3D10, CPS6, etc.) requiring a relatively large number of elements to achieve
a given error target. Hence, you should use quadratic elements whenever
Continuing a Stopped Adaptive Remeshing Process
The adaptive remeshing process is designed to be automatic—Abaqus/CAE
performs a sequence of analyses as it continues to refine your mesh. However,
there are occasions where the process will stop and you will want to continue
adaptive remeshing from your most recent mesh:
when you want to change remeshing rules for later remesh iterations, or
when the adaptive remesh process fails to complete due to machine
resource problems.
You can continue the adaptive remeshing process by resubmitting an existing
adaptivity process, creating and submitting a new adaptivity process, or
performing manual remeshing. See
Manually resizing and remeshing.
Adaptive remeshing requires the use of
and only
procedures are supported. Other specific limitations also apply.