Searching for Jobs

You can search through all of the jobs in your SIMULIA Execution Engine database (your job history) using specified criteria. This feature allows you to easily locate jobs that have been previously executed without having to search through the entire list of jobs.

Before you begin: This information is available only if you have administrative privileges.
  1. On the left side of the WebDashboard interface, click the Data option.

    The Data options appear. These options allow you to narrow your search for jobs located in your SIMULIA Execution Engine database.

  2. Specify the job information criteria to use to filter your search by using any of the following options (you can use the * wildcard in these searches):
    User Name Enter the name of a specific SIMULIA Execution Engine user.
    Group Name Enter the name of a Fiper Group (from the library’s ACL tab) that contains the users whose jobs you wish to retrieve.
    Model Name Enter the name of an Isight model.
    Job Name Enter the name of an Isight job.
    Job ID Enter the ID of an Isight job.
    Bigger than Enter a number, and select the units indicating the minimum job size to retrieve.
    Older than Enter a number, and select the units indicating the minimum job age (based on job start date) to retrieve.
    Run Date Enter date information to filter the jobs based on the job start date.
    • Specify only a single date to use just that date for the search.

    • Specify only a From date to search for any job that started on or after that date.

    • Specify only a Through date to search for any job that started on or before that date.

    • Specify a date range by entering both a From and Through date.

    Job Status Select from one of the following job statuses: Initializing, Started, Queued, Running, Done, Stopping, Paused, Importing, and Created.
    Completion Code Select from one of the following completion codes: OK, CANCELLED, FAILED, or SYSFAILED. For more information on the codes, see About the Job Database Interface in the Isight User’s Guide.

    Note: Although you can select any combination of Job Status and Completion Code, not all combinations make sense. If a selected combination is incompatible, the search will not return any job data.

  3. Click Query to retrieve a list of jobs that match your search criteria. The results are displayed in a scrollable table on the right side of the interface. This table includes a summary of the total number of jobs retrieved, as well as the total space used in the database, on disk, and overall.
  4. Click any listed job to view details and job control options. For more information, see Working with Running Jobs.

    The jobs list contains the following columns:

    DescriptionA short description of the job, as specified in the Runtime Gateway Job Name field.
    Model NameThe name of the model selected for this job.
    Model VersionThe version of the model selected for this job.
    UserThe login ID of the user that started the job.
    Submission HostnameThe hostname of the machine from which the user submitted the job. For jobs submitted via the WebTop, the name of the web server is shown.
    Db BytesThe amount of memory used by the job in the database.
    Disk BytesThe amount of memory used by the job data in folders on the disk (not including any database files).
    Total BytesThe total amount of memory used by the job, including Db Bytes and Disk Bytes.