Substructuring and substructure analysis

Substructures are collections of elements from which the internal degrees of freedom have been eliminated.

Retained nodes and degrees of freedom are those that will be recognized externally at the usage level (when the substructure is used in an analysis), and they are defined during generation of the substructure.

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The basic substructuring idea is to consider a “substructure” (a part of the model) separately and eliminate all but the degrees of freedom needed to connect this part to the rest of the model so that the substructure appears in the model as a “substructure”: a collection of finite elements whose response is defined by the stiffness (and mass) of these retained degrees of freedom denoted by the vector, {uR}.

In Abaqus/Standard the response within a substructure, once it has been reduced to a substructure, is considered to be a linear perturbation about the state of the substructure at the time it is made into a substructure. Thus, the substructure is in equilibrium with stresses σ0, displacements u0, and other state variables h0 when it is made into a substructure. Then, whenever it responds as a substructure, the total value of a displacement or stress component at some point within the substructure is


where LuR(x) and LσR(x) are linear transformations between the retained degrees of freedom of the substructure and the component of displacement or stress under consideration. The substructure must be in a self-equilibriating state when it is made into a substructure (except for reaction forces at prescribed boundary conditions that are applied to internal degrees of freedom in the substructure). If the substructure has been loaded to a nonzero state with some of its retained degrees of freedom fixed, these fixities are released at the time the substructure is created and any reaction forces at them converted into concentrated loads that are part of the preload state. This means that the contribution of the substructure to the overall equilibrium of the model is defined entirely by its linear response. Since the purpose of the substructuring technique is to have the substructure contribute terms only to the retained degrees of freedom, we need to define its external load vector {P¯R}, formed from the nonzero substructure load cases applied to the substructure, and its internal force vector, {I¯R}, as a sum of linear transformations of the retained variables {ΔuR} and their velocities and accelerations:


We refer to [M¯] as the reduced mass matrix for the substructure, [C¯] as its reduced damping matrix, and [K¯] as its reduced stiffness. These “reduced” mass, damping, and stiffness matrices connect the retained degrees of freedom only.

The reduced stiffness matrix is easily derived when only static response is considered. Since the response of a substructure is entirely linear, its contribution to the virtual work equation for the model of which it is a part is


where {ΔPR} and {ΔPE} are consistent nodal forces applied to the substructure during its loading as a substructure (they do not include the self-equilibriating preloading of the substructure) and


is its tangent stiffness matrix.

Since the internal degrees of freedom in the substructure, {uE}, appear only within the substructure, the equilibrium equations conjugate to {δuE} in the contribution to the virtual work equation given above are complete within the substructure, so that


These equations can be rewritten to define ΔuE as


The substructure's contribution to the static equilibrium equations is, therefore,


Thus, for static analysis the substructure's reduced stiffness is


and the contribution of the substructure load cases applied to the substructure is the load vector


The static modes defined by Equation 1 may not be sufficient to define the dynamic response of the substructure accurately. The substructure's dynamic representation may be improved by retaining additional degrees of freedom not required to connect the substructure to the rest of the model; that is, some of the uE can be moved into uR. This technique is known as Guyan reduction. An additional, and generally more effective, technique is to augment the response within the substructure by including some generalized degrees of freedom, qα, associated with natural modes of the substructure. The simplest such approach is to extract some natural modes from the substructure with all retained degrees of freedom constrained, so that Equation 1 is augmented to be


with the variation


and the time derivatives


The {ϕE}α are the eigenmodes of the substructure, obtained with all retained degrees of freedom constrained, and the qα are the generalized displacements—the magnitudes of the response in these normal modes.

The contribution of the substructure to the virtual work equation for the dynamic case is




is the substructure's mass matrix,


is its damping matrix, and


is the nodal force vector in the substructure.

With the assumed dynamic response within the substructure, the internal degrees of freedom in this contribution (ΔuE and its time derivatives) can be transformed to the retained degrees of freedom and the normal mode amplitudes, reducing the system to




in which [ϕE] is the matrix of eigenvectors, {q} is the vector of generalized degrees of freedom, [I] is a unit matrix, and [0] is a null matrix.