User subroutine to manage user-defined external databases and calculate model-independent history information.

User subroutine UEXTERNALDB:

  • is called once each at the beginning of the analysis, at the beginning of each increment, at the end of each increment, and at the end of the analysis (in addition, the user subroutine is also called once at the beginning of a restart analysis);

  • can be used to communicate between other software and user subroutines within Abaqus/Standard;

  • can be used to open external files needed for other user subroutines at the beginning of the analysis and to close those files at the end of the analysis;

  • can be used to calculate or read history information at the beginning of each increment. This information can be written to user-defined COMMON block variables or external files for use during the analysis by other user subroutines; and

  • can be used to write the current values of the user-calculated history information to external files.

This page discusses:

See Also
In Other Guides
About User Subroutines and Utilities
