Activate table collection, required in all user subroutines except UMDFLUX, UEPACTIVATIONVOL, UELEMDRESP, and material-related
user subroutines.
Utility Routine Interface
character*80 tcName
call setTableCollection(tcName, jError)
Variables to Be Provided to the Utility Routine
- tcName
The name of the table collection that will be accessed.
Variables Returned from the Utility Routine
- jError
Return code (0 indicates no error, nonzero indicates an output request
Access parameters defined in the parameter table.
Utility Routine Interface
include ''
character*80 parameterTableLabel, cParams(maxParams)
dimension iParamsDataType(maxParams), iParams(maxParams), rParams(maxParams)
call getParameterTable(parameterTableLabel, numParams, iParamsDataType, iParams, rParams, cParams, jError)
Variables to Be Provided to the Utility Routine
- parameterTableLabel
Label of the parameter table to be accessed. A parameter table with this
label must be defined in the active table collection.
Variables Returned from the Utility Routine
- numParams
Number of parameters defined in a row of this parameter table.
- iParamsDataType(numParams)
Array containing integer flags for data types of parameters:
j_tcsI_PDT_float, or
j_tcsI_PDT_string, which are defined in the include file.
maxParams must be equal to or greater than
- iParams(numParams*numRows)
Array containing values of INTEGER
parameters. numRows is the number of rows in the
parameter table. You can get this value from the queryParameterTable utility. The parameters are ordered in row-by-row format.
- rParams(numParams*numRows)
Array containing values of FLOAT-type
parameters. The parameters are ordered in row-by-row format.
- cParams(numParams*numRows)
Array containing values of STRING-type
parameters. The parameters are ordered in row-by-row format.
- jError
Return code (0 indicates no error, nonzero indicates an output request
Access a row of parameters defined in the parameter table.
Utility Routine Interface
include ''
character*80 parameterTableLabel, cParams(maxParams)
dimension iParamsDataType(maxParams), iParams(maxParams), rParams(maxParams)
call getParameterTableRow(parameterTableLabel, jRow, numParams, iParamsDataType, iParams,
rParams, cParams, jError)
Variables to Be Provided to the Utility Routine
- parameterTableLabel
Label of the parameter table to be accessed. A parameter table with this
label must be defined in the active table collection.
- jRow
Row of the parameter table to be accessed.
Variables Returned from the Utility Routine
- numParams
Number of parameters defined in a row of this parameter table.
- iParamsDataType(numParams)
Array containing integer flags for data types of parameters
j_tcsI_PDT_float, or
j_tcsI_PDT_string, which are defined in the include file.
maxParams must be equal to or greater than
- iParams(numParams)
Array containing values of INTEGER parameters in
jRow row of this parameter table.
- rParams(numParams)
Array containing values of FLOAT-type parameters in
jRow row of this parameter table.
- cParams(numParams)
Array containing values of STRING-type parameters in
jRow row of this parameter table.
- jError
Return code (0 indicates no error, nonzero indicates an output request
Perform interpolation of properties defined in the property table in
Utility Routine Interface
character*80 propertyTableLabel
dimension field(*)
dimension rIndepVars(maxIndepVars), rProps(maxProps), dPropDVar(maxProps*maxVars)
call getPropertyTable(propertyTableLabel, rIndepVars, temp, field,
numProps, rProps, dPropDVar, numDervs, jError)
Variables to Be Provided to the Utility Routine
- propertyTableLabel
Label of the property table to be accessed. A property table with this label
must be defined in the active table collection.
- rIndepVars(maxIndepVars)
Array containing values of independent variables.
maxIndepVars must be equal to or greater than
the number of independent variables in the table.
- temp
- field(*)
Array of values of predefined field variables.
- numDervs
Flag to indicate if the calculation of derivatives is required (0 indicates that no calculation
of derivatives is required, 1 indicates that calculation of derivatives is required
with respect to the first variable, and 2 or higher indicates that calculation of
derivatives is required with respect to all variables).
Variables Returned from the Utility Routine
- numProps
Number of properties defined in this property table.
- rProps(maxProps)
Array containing interpolated values of properties.
maxProps must be equal to or greater than
- dPropDVar(maxProps*maxVars)
Array containing derivatives of properties with respect to independent variables, temperature,
or field variables. maxVars must be equal to or
greater than the sum of independent variables, temperature, and field variables in
the table. The derivatives are returned in the following order:
- Derivatives of the first property, second property, …
numProps with respect to the first variable.
- Derivatives of the first property, second property, …
numProps with respect to the second variable.
- …
- jError
Return code (0 indicates no error, nonzero indicates an output request
Perform interpolation of properties defined in the property table in
Utility Routine Interface
character*80 propertyTableLabel
dimension temp(nBlock), field(nBlock,*)
dimension rIndepVars(maxBlock*maxIndepVars), rProps(maxBlock*maxProps),
dPropDIVar(maxBlock*maxProps*maxIndepVars), dPropdTemp(maxBlock*maxProps)
call vGetPropertyTable(propertyTableLabel, nBlock, rIndepVars, temp, field,
numProps, rProps, dPropDIVar, dPropDTemp, jDervs, jError)
Variables to Be Provided to the Utility Routine
- propertyTableLabel
Label of the property table to be accessed. A property table with this
label must be defined in the active table collection.
- nBlock
Number of points at which properties are evaluated in this call to vGetPropertyTable.
- rIndepVars(maxIndepVars)
Array containing values of independent variables.
maxIndepVars must be equal to or greater than
the number of independent variables in the table.
- temp(nBlock)
- field(nBlock,*)
Array of values of predefined field variables.
- jDervs
Flag to indicate if the calculation of derivatives is required (0 indicates that no calculation
of derivatives is required, 1 indicates that calculation of derivatives is required
with respect to all independent variables and temperature).
Variables Returned from the Utility Routine
- numProps
Number of properties defined in this property table.
Array containing interpolated values of properties.
maxBlock must be equal to or greater than
nBlock. maxProps
must be equal to or greater than numProps.
- dPropDIVar(maxBlock*maxProps*maxIndepVars)
Array containing derivatives of properties with respect to independent
variables. The derivatives are returned in the following order:
- nBlock derivatives of the first property
with respect to the first independent variable,
nBlock derivatives of the first property with
respect to the second independent variable, and so on.
- nBlock derivatives of the second property
with respect to the first independent variable,
nBlock derivatives of the second property with
respect to the second independent variable, and so on.
- …
- dPropdTemp(maxBlock,maxProps)
Array containing derivatives of properties with respect to temperature. The
derivatives are returned in the following order:
- nBlock derivatives of the first property
with respect to temperature.
- nBlock derivatives of the second property
with respect to temperature.
- …
- jError
Return code (0 indicates no error, nonzero indicates an output request
Perform interpolation of properties defined in the property table in
You pass independent variables as pointers, which offers better performance
compared to vGetPropertyTable when you pass more than one independent variable.
Utility Routine Interface
character*80 propertyTableLabel
integer*8 mIndepVars(maxIndepVars)
dimension temp(nBlock), field(nBlock,*)
dimension rProps(maxBlock*maxProps), dPropDIVar(maxBlock*maxProps*maxIndepVars), dPropdTemp(maxBlock*maxProps)
call SMASetPointer(mIndVarPtrs(1), eqps)
call SMASetPointer(mIndVarPtrs(2), eqpsRate)
call vGetPropertyTablePtr(propertyTableLabel, nBlock, mIndepVars, temp, field,
numProps, rProps, dPropDIVar, dPropDTemp, jDervs, jError)
Variables to Be Provided to the Utility Routine
- propertyTableLabel
Label of the property table to be accessed. A property table with this label
must be defined in the active table collection.
- nBlock
Number of points at which properties are evaluated in this call to vGetPropertyTablePtr.
- mIndepVars(maxIndepVars)
Array, declared as an 8-byte integer that contains pointers to arrays with
independent variables initialized with the SMASetPointer utility routine. maxIndepVars must
be equal to or greater than the number of independent variables in the table.
- temp(nBlock)
- field(nBlock,*)
Array of values of predefined field variables.
- jDervs
Flag to indicate if the calculation of derivatives is required (0 indicates that no calculation
of derivatives is required, 1 indicates that calculation of derivatives is required
with respect to all independent variables and temperature).
Variables Returned from the Utility Routine
- numProps
Number of properties defined in this property table.
Array containing interpolated values of properties.
maxBlock must be equal to or greater than
nBlock. maxProps
must be equal to or greater than numProps.
- dPropDIVar(maxBlock*maxProps*maxIndepVars)
Array containing derivatives of properties with respect to independent
variables. The derivatives are returned in the following order:
- nBlock derivatives of the first property
with respect to the first independent variable,
nBlock derivatives of the first property with
respect to the second independent variable, and so on.
- nBlock derivatives of the second property
with respect to the first independent variable,
nBlock derivatives of the second property with
respect to the second independent variable, and so on.
- …
- dPropdTemp(maxBlock*maxProps)
Array containing derivatives of properties with respect to temperature. The
derivatives are returned in the following order:
- nBlock derivatives of the first property
with respect to temperature.
- nBlock derivatives of the second property
with respect to temperature.
- …
- jError
Return code (0 indicates no error, nonzero indicates an output request
Query the size of the table collection database.
Utility Routine Interface
include ''
dimension jSize(n_tcsI_TCDB_size)
call queryTableCollectionSize(jSize, jError)
Variables Returned from the Utility Routine
- jSize(i_tcsI_TCDB_numTCs)
Number of table collections that are defined.
- jSize(i_tcsI_TCDB_maxParams)
Maximum number of parameters in any parameter table.
- jSize(i_tcsI_TCDB_maxParamRows)
Maximum number of rows in any parameter table.
- jSize(i_tcsI_TCDB_maxProps)
Maximum number of properties in any property table.
- jError
Return code (0 indicates no error, nonzero indicates an output request
Query the names of the table collections.
Utility Routine Interface
character*80 tcNames(maxTCs)
call queryTableCollectionNames(tcNames, numTCs)
Variables Returned from the Utility Routine
- tcNames(maxTCs)
Array containing names of all defined table collections.
maxTCs must be equal to or greater than
- numTCs
Number of table collections.
Query properties of the active table collection.
Utility Routine Interface
include ''
character*80 cTableColl(n_tcsC_TC_size)
dimension jTableColl(n_tcsI_TC_size)
call queryTableCollection(jTableColl, cTableColl, jError)
Variables Returned from the Utility Routine
- jTableColl(i_tcsI_TC_numParamTbls)
Number of parameter tables in the active table collection.
- jTableColl(i_tcsI_TC_numPropTbls)
Number of property tables in the active table collection.
- jTableColl(i_tcsI_TC_maxParams)
Maximum number of parameters in any parameter table in the active table
- jTableColl(i_tcsI_TC_maxParamRows)
Maximum number of rows in any parameter table in the active table
- jTableColl(i_tcsI_TC_maxProps)
Maximum number of properties in any property table in the active table
- cTableColl(i_tcsC_TC_name)
Name of the active table collection.
- jError
Return code (0 indicates no error, nonzero indicates an output request
Query the number of parameters in a parameter table.
Utility Routine Interface
character*80 parameterTableLabel
queryParameterTable(parameterTableLabel, numParams, numRows, jError)
Variables to Be Provided to the Utility Routine
- parameterTableLabel
Label of the parameter table to be queried. A parameter table with this
label must be defined in the active table collection.
Variables Returned from the Utility Routine
- numParams
Number of parameters in the parameter table.
- numRows
Number of rows in the parameter table, which is a multiple of the parameter
number declared for the parameter table type of this table.
- jError
Return code (0 indicates no error, nonzero indicates an output request
Query properties of a property table.
Utility Routine Interface
include ''
character*80 propertyTableLabel, cPropTable(n_tcsC_PRT_size)
dimension jPropTable(n_tcsI_PRT_size), rPropTable(n_tcsR_PRT_size)
queryPropertyTable(propertyTableLabel, jPropTable, rPropTable, cPropTable, jError)
Variables to Be Provided to the Utility Routine
- propertyTableLabel
Label of the property table to be queried. A property table with this label
must be defined in the active table collection.
Variables Returned from the Utility Routine
- jPropTable(i_tcsI_PRT_numProps)
Number of properties in the property table.
- jPropTable(i_tcsI_PRT_numIndVars)
Number of independent variables in the property table.
- jPropTable(i_tcsI_PRT_numFieldVars)
Number of field variables in the property table.
- jPropTable(i_tcsI_PRT_tempDep)
0 indicates that properties in the property table are not temperature
dependent, 1 indicates that properties are temperature dependent.
- jPropTable(i_tcsI_PRT_extrapolation)
0 indicates constant extrapolation of properties in the property table, 1
indicates linear extrapolation of properties.
- jPropTable(i_tcsI_PRT_regularize)
0 indicates that property table data is not regularized, 1 indicates that
property table data is regularized.
- jPropTable(i_tcsI_PRT_origin)
0 indicates that property values at point 0 of the first independent variable might be not
preserved, 1 indicates that property values at point 0 of the first independent
variable are preserved.
- rPropTable(i_tcsR_PRT_rtol)
Tolerance used to regularize the property table data.
- jError
Return code (0 indicates no error, nonzero indicates an output request