The parametric input capability allows you to create an Abaqus input file in which:
Any number of input parameters is defined by assigning a value to each one of them.
The parameters defined in the input file are used in place of input quantities.
The parameters are evaluated according to their definition and are substituted for the
parametrized input quantities before an analysis is run.
Parametric input allows greater flexibility in building and manipulating models. The
different kinds of parameters and the different ways of parametrizing the Abaqus input quantities are discussed in this section.
You must define all the parameters you wish to use in an analysis by assigning a value to
them. The Python language (Lutz, 1999) is used to perform parameter evaluation and substitution; hence,
parameter definitions are required to follow the Python syntax rules discussed later in this section. These parameters can then be used in place
of input quantities.
In this simple example models with beams of different cross-sections can be obtained
simply by changing the values of the parameters.
Parameters are user-named variables to which you assign values. When a parameter is used
instead of a value, the value of that parameter is substituted. There are two basic types of
parameters: independent parameters and dependent parameters.
Independent Parameters
Independent parameters are those that do not depend on any other parameters. The
following are examples of independent parameters:
thickness = 10.0
area = 5.0**2
length = 3.0*sin(45*pi/180.0) # convert degrees to radians
Python expressions using numbers and numerical operations (such as addition, multiplication,
and exponentiation) can be used to define independent parameters. Arithmetic support in
Python is discussed later in this section.
Dependent Parameters
Dependent parameters are those that depend on other parameters (dependent or
independent). Dependent parameters can be defined in one of two ways: using a mathematical
expression or using a tabular dependence.
Expressional Dependence
Python parametric expressions involving operations between numbers and parameters are used
to define expressional-dependent parameters. In the following example
area and mom_inertia are
dependent parameters:
Tabular dependence between parameters is defined by specifying the dependent and
independent parameters as well as a dependence table. The table that defines the
dependence between the parameters must have as many values per line as the number of
dependent parameters plus the number of independent parameters for which it is going to
be used. The table must contain only real values; dependent parameter values are given
first, followed by independent parameter values. Parameter names and character strings
cannot be used in a table.
The evaluation of tabularly dependent parameters by interpolation between values in a
table will result in these parameters being assigned real values. If it is necessary
that the tabularly dependent parameters be integer numbers, the real numbers must be
converted to integer numbers as described later in the Python language section.
When the tabularly dependent parameters are functions of only one independent
parameter, the tabular data must be given in order of increasing values of the
independent parameter. Abaqus then interpolates linearly for values between those given. The dependent parameters
are assumed to be constant outside the range of the independent parameters used in a
table. When the tabularly dependent parameters depend on several independent parameters,
the variation of the dependent parameters with respect to the first independent
parameter must be given at fixed values of the other independent parameters, in
ascending values of the second independent parameter, then of the third independent
parameter, and so on. The table lines must always be ordered so that the independent
parameters are given increasing values. This process ensures that the value of each
dependent parameter is completely and uniquely defined for all values of the independent
The fact that the definition of the dependence table is separate from the assignment of
the dependence to particular parameters means that the same table can be used for
multiple sets of dependent/independent parameters. This is useful when there are
different instances of the same kind of input data; for example, multiple material
definitions that use the same dependence but different sets of parameters.
Because the evaluation of parameters is procedural (see Parameter Evaluation below), a parameter dependence table must always be defined before it is used to
specify tabular parameter dependencies.
Independent parameters in tabular dependence definitions are treated as independent for
the purpose of defining this dependency; however, these “independent” parameters can be
defined to depend on other parameters in a preceding parameter definition.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to define a parameter dependence table:
is flagged as an error because y cannot be evaluated
by ordered execution of the input. In other words, there is no deferred execution of the
parameter definitions.
It is possible to define parameters anywhere in the input file, even after parameters
have been used in place of input quantities, since the parameter definitions are always
processed before any other input options are processed.
Parameters can also be defined and used in place of input quantities in an input file
used for a restart analysis. However, parameters defined in the input file for the
original analysis (from which the restart run is continued) are not available in the
restart analysis.
Parameter Substitution
When the parameterized data are processed, Abaqus assigns the parameter values as determined at the end of parameter evaluation. An
error is reported if a parameter used in place of input quantities has not been assigned
a value. Later, the analysis input file processor performs its usual checks on the validity of the parameter values with respect to the
options in which they are being used.
Data given to define a parameter, a parameter dependence table, or a parameter shape
variation cannot be parameterized. For example, the input
is not valid; however, the analysis input file processor will not report an error for this input.
Data Types
The data type of a parameter is deduced from its definition. An integer parameter
results from assigning an integer literal value to the parameter. Similarly, a real
parameter arises from assigning a real literal value to the parameter. The result of
operations between integers and reals will be real. A character string parameter results
from assigning a character string literal value to the parameter.
The input option context in which the parameter is used dictates the data type that the
parameter must have. Parameters of real data type should be used in place of real Abaqus input quantities. Parameters of integer (or character string) type should be used in
place of integer (or character string) type input quantities, respectively. In some
instances, mismatches between the input context and the type of the substituted
parameter will cause the analysis input file processor to flag these instances as input errors. For example, the input
will cause the analysis input file processor to report an error because the number of integration points specified for a shell
section must be an integer. However, the input
will be accepted by the analysis input file processor without a warning being flagged; as a result of doing integer division, this input
gives a shell thickness of 1 (not 1.25). In conclusion, you can rely on the analysis input file processor to catch only some data type errors.
Continuous and Discrete Parameters
From the point of view of design activities (sensitivity analysis, parametric studies,
etc.) parameters can be continuous valued or discrete valued. A continuous-valued
parameter is differentiable and can, thus, be used for design sensitivity analysis
purposes. A discrete-valued parameter is not differentiable and can, thus, not be used
for design sensitivity analysis purposes; however, it can be used for parametric
studies. Examples of continuous-valued parameters may be a shell thickness or a material
property. Examples of discrete-valued parameters may be the number of integration points
through the thickness of a shell, or an element type. Continuous-valued parameters
generally coincide with physical (design) input quantities, while discrete-valued
parameters generally coincide with finite element (numerical approximation) input
Auxiliary Input Files
Parameters can be defined in INCLUDE input files but not in any
other auxiliary input files. If you define parameters in an INCLUDE input file, you must also
include the PARAMETER option in the INCLUDE input file. For
information on how the parameters are interpreted, see Execution of Parametrized Input.
Names of auxiliary input files can be parameterized, except those used in the INCLUDE option.
Parametrization of Input Quantities
Abaqus treats parametrization of “size” and “shape” quantities somewhat differently.
Parametrization of shape input quantities is discussed in a separate section (see Parametric Shape Variation).
Size input quantities are understood to include all Abaqus input quantities except those that relate to shape. Size input quantities include section
properties, material properties, orientation properties, prescribed conditions, interaction
definitions and properties, and analysis procedure data.
Parametrizing Individual Input Quantities
The following example shows the parametrization of shell section input using three
independent parameters of differing data types:
Parametrizing Groups of Input Quantities (Expressional Dependence)
The following example shows the parametrization of a three-layer composite shell section
using expressional-dependent parameters. In this example the
thickness parameter can be used to change the thickness of
the layers of the composite section uniformly.
thickness = 10.
layer1_thick = 0.15*thickness
layer2_thick = 0.6*thickness
layer3_thick = 0.25*thickness
<layer1_thick>,num int pts, material name, orientation
<layer2_thick>,num int pts, material name, orientation
<layer3_thick>,num int pts, material name, orientation
This parametrization requires that dependent parameters be created for the three input
quantities (layer1_thick,
layer2_thick, layer3_thick)
that each depend on the independent parameter (thickness).
Parametrizing Groups of Input Quantities (Tabular Dependence)
The following example shows the parametrization of the section properties of a box beam.
The height and wall thicknesses of the beam section are parameters that depend tabularly
on the section width.
The above parametrization creates dependent parameters (b,
t1, t2,
t3, t4) that each depend on
the independent parameter (a). Usage of tabular dependence
allows the definition of the dependencies of input quantities on parameters to be confined
to the parameter definitions; i.e., separate from the options where parametrization of
input quantities is done. An advantage of this method of parametrization is that the same
parameter dependence table can be used for different parameters in different input
options. For example, you may wish to use beams of different cross-section dimensions in
different parts of the structure being modeled. The parameter dependence table can be
reused with new dependent (bb,
tt1, tt2,
tt3, tt4) and independent
(aa) parameters.
In options where predefined field variable dependence is supported, this method of
parametrization provides a clear separation between predefined field variable dependence
and parameter dependence; therefore, field variable and parameter dependence can never be
confused. Consider, for example, the case of perfect plasticity properties for a metal
where the yield stress depends on a field variable and is also parametrized to depend
tabularly on the carbon content of the metal alloy.
carbon = 0.01
PARAMETER DEPENDENCE, TABLE=yield_data, NUMBER=4ys_fv1 val 1, ys_fv2 val 1, ys_fv3 val 1, carbon val 1ys_fv1 val 2, ys_fv2 val 2, ys_fv3 val 2, carbon val 2ys_fv1 val 3, ys_fv2 val 3, ys_fv3 val 3, carbon val 3ys_fv1 val 4, ys_fv2 val 4, ys_fv3 val 4, carbon val 4PARAMETER, TABLE=yield_data, DEPENDENT=(ys_fv1, ys_fv2, ys_fv3),
<ys_fv1>, , , fv val 1
<ys_fv2>, , , fv val 2
<ys_fv3>, , , fv val 3
Consider, for example, the case of metal creep properties where the creep material data
are parameters that depend tabularly on the carbon content of the metal alloy. In
addition, one of the creep parameters, A, also depends on a
predefined field variable.
carbon = 0.01
PARAMETER DEPENDENCE, TABLE=creepdata, NUMBER=6A_fv1 val 1, A_fv2 val 1, A_fv3 val 1, n val 1, m val 1, carbon val 1A_fv1 val 2, A_fv2 val 2, A_fv3 val 2, n val 2, m val 2, carbon val 2A_fv1 val 3, A_fv2 val 3, A_fv3 val 3, n val 3, m val 3, carbon val 3A_fv1 val 4, A_fv2 val 4, A_fv3 val 4, n val 4, m val 4, carbon val 4PARAMETER, TABLE=creepdata, DEPENDENT=(A_fv1, A_fv2, A_fv3,
<A_fv1>, <n>, <m>, , fv val 1
<A_fv2>, <n>, <m>, , fv val 2
<A_fv3>, <n>, <m>, , fv val 3
This example shows that any combination of dependencies on predefined field variables
and/or dependent parameters can be defined.
Python Language
Parameter statements in parameter definitions are required to follow the syntax and
semantics of version 3 of the Python language (note that the parameter dependence table and parameter shape variation
definitions follow the usual Abaqus input syntax rules). The subset of the Python language that is endorsed is documented here.
Statement Length and Continuation Lines
Python statements in parameter definitions can be continued over multiple lines by terminating
each line with a backslash character (\). The PARAMETER keyword lines can be
continued onto the following line using a trailing comma since they are treated like other
Abaqus keyword lines.
Comments in a parameter definition start with the number character (#) and continue to
the end of the line. However, comments in a parameter dependence table or parameter shape
variation definition are indicated by the usual Abaqus input syntax convention (**).
Parameter Names
Parameter names must begin with a letter and can contain the underscore character (_) and
numbers. Parameter names are case sensitive.
Data Types
Data types are limited to character strings, integers, and reals.
Strings are delimited with single or double quotation marks (' ' or ” ”). Backward single
quotation marks (` `) are not permitted. Character strings should not contain the
backslash character (\).
Integers are created by assignment to integer literals (for example, aInt
= 2).
Reals are created by assignment to real literals (for example, aReal
= 1.0). Real numbers can be given with or without an exponent. Any exponent
must be preceded by E or e.
The following line shows five acceptable ways of entering the same real number:
(allowed elsewhere in the Abaqus input file) is not valid in Python.
Type Conversion
If integers and reals are mixed in expressions, the result of the expression will be a
real. Explicit type conversion can be obtained using:
aReal converted to integer type
anInt converted to real type (float is the same as real)
anIntOrReal converted to character string type
Numeric Operators
Standard support for operators is provided:
− x
x negated
+ x
x unchanged
x + y
sum of x and y
x − y
difference of x and y
x * y
product of x and y
x / y
quotient of x and y, always resulting in a real
x // y
floor of quotient of x and y
x to the power y
The following utility functions are supported:
absolute value of x
arc cosine of x (result is in radians)
arc sine of x (result is in radians)
arc tangent of x (result is in radians)
cosine of x (x is in radians)
natural logarithm of x
base 10 logarithm of x
x to the power y (equivalent to x**y)
sine of x (x is in radians)
square root of x
tangent of x (x is in radians)
Character String Operators
'abc' + 'def'
concatenation of character string 'abc' and character string 'def'
Execution of Parametrized Input
Jobs with parametrized input files are submitted to Abaqus in the usual way; for example,
where it is assumed that an input file named
input-file.inp exists.
Abaqus searches input-file.inp and any INCLUDE input files for parameter,
parameter dependence table, and parameter shape variation (Parametric Shape Variation) definitions, as well as parameter names inside < >
that may have been used in place of input quantities. You can define parameters in both the
input-file.inp and INCLUDE input files. You must include
the PARAMETER option in any file where you
define parameters. If any of the above are found, Abaqus interprets the parametrized input file and performs the tasks of parameter evaluation and
As a result, a modified input file that is free of parameter and parameter dependence table
definitions and <parameter> instances is produced. This
file is named job-name.pes and is
subsequently submitted for execution of an analysis. The execution procedure of a
parametrized input file, except for the additional processing of parameter shape variation
definitions in the analysis input file processor, does not differ from that of a nonparametrized input file. All the files generated by
the parametrized input job are named job-name with the
appropriate extension appended to it.
Parameter Check Jobs
You can specify an execution mode in which only parameter processing (evaluation and
substitution) is carried out. The parameter check execution mode is mutually exclusive of
other execution modes, such as complete analysis, data check, continuation of a data
check, conversion of results, or recovery (see Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit Execution).
A parameter check run is useful in situations where you have defined complex
parametrization in the input. In these cases you may want to study the results of
parameter evaluation and substitution before proceeding further.
A parameter check run does not permit continuation of the execution in a subsequent run;
the job must be rerun from the beginning.
Input File Usage
Enter the following input on the command line:
Display of Parametric Input
Display of the results of parameter evaluation and substitution in the data file is
described in this section. Visualization of parameter shape variations is described in Parametric Shape Variation.
Data File Display
The data (.dat) file contains information about the model definition
generated by the analysis input file processor. You can control the amount of output generated by the analysis input file processor; see Controlling the Amount of analysis input file processor Information Written to the Data File for details. In
particular, you can specify whether or not the original input (.inp)
file is echoed to the data file (by default, it is not).
In the case of parametric input this file will generally contain a number of parameter,
parameter dependence table, and parameter shape variation definitions, as well as a number
of <parameter> instances. To verify the definition of
parametric input, you can create a modified version of the original input file showing the
parameters and their values (this file is named
job-name.par). You can also create the
job-name.pes file, which is the modified
version of the original input file that is free of parameter and parameter dependence
table definitions, as well as <parameter> instances.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to print the contents of the
job-name.par file to the data