Define the reaction rate for an ignition and growth equation of state.

This option is used to define the reaction rate for an ignition and growth equation of state. It is required when the EOS, TYPE=IGNITION AND GROWTH option is used. The REACTION RATE option should appear immediately after the EOS or the GAS SPECIFIC HEAT option.

This page discusses:

See Also
In Other Guides
Equation of State


TypeModel data


Abaqus/CAEProperty module

There are no parameters associated with this option.


Data lines to define the reaction rate

First line
  1. Constant, I. (Units of T−1.)

  2. Product covolume, a. (Dimensionless.)

  3. Exponent on the unreacted fraction (ignition term), b. (Dimensionless.)

  4. Exponent (ignition term), x. (Dimensionless.)

  5. First burn rate coefficient, G 1 . (Units of T−1.)

  6. Exponent on the unreacted fraction (growth term), c. (Dimensionless.)

  7. Exponent on the reacted fraction (growth term), d. (Dimensionless.)

  8. Pressure exponent (growth term), y. (Dimensionless.)

Second line
  1. Second burn rate coefficient, G 2 . (Units of T−1.)

  2. Exponent on the unreacted fraction (completion term), e. (Dimensionless.)

  3. Exponent on the reacted fraction (completion term), g. (Dimensionless.)

  4. Pressure exponent (completion term), z. (Dimensionless.)

  5. Initial reacted fraction, Figmax. (Dimensionless.)

  6. Maximum reacted fraction for the growth term, FG1max. (Dimensionless.)

  7. Minimum reacted fraction for the completion term, FG2min. (Dimensionless.)

  8. Reference pressure, p r e f . (Units of FL−2.) If this field is left blank, a default value of 1.0 is used.