Generate a flexible body from an Abaqus/Standard substructure or a natural frequency extraction.

This option is used to generate a flexible body from an Abaqus/Standard substructure or a natural frequency extraction. Abaqus/Standard generates several flexible body types from a substructure for use by external flexible body dynamics solvers. The generated flexible body entities are stored in the substructure .sim file and can be postprocessed to generate the input data for external flexible body dynamics solvers.

Alternatively, Abaqus/Standard can generate a flexible body from a natural frequency extraction for use in the Simpack flexible body dynamics solver. In this case, Abaqus creates a separate .sim file named jobname_FREQn.sim, where jobname is the name of the input file or analysis job and n is the number of the Abaqus step that performs the natural frequency extraction. In this file, Abaqus stores a modal system along with the generated flexible body entities.

This page discusses:

See Also
In Other Guides
Generating Substructures
Natural Frequency Extraction

Products Abaqus/Standard

Type History data


Optional parameters


Include this parameter with TYPE=EXCITE or TYPE=ADAMS to specify the flexible body formulation. This parameter cannot be used with other supported flexible body types.

If you omit the FORMULATION parameter with TYPE=EXCITE , Abaqus generates the general motion flexible body formulation known as the CON6 flexible body for the AVL EXCITE™ flexible body dynamics solver from AVL LIST GmbH. This formulation requires generation of all inertia invariants of the CON6 flexible body.

Set FORMULATION=REDUCED with TYPE=EXCITE to generate a reduced version of the CON6 flexible body using only inertia invariants of the first order.

Set FORMULATION=SMALL MOTION with TYPE=EXCITE to generate the small-motion flexible body formulation known as the SMOT flexible body for the AVL EXCITE™ flexible body dynamics solver from AVL LIST GmbH.

If you omit the FORMULATION parameter with TYPE=ADAMS, Abaqus generates the most general version of the flexible body for the Adams™ flexible body dynamics solver from MSC.Software Corporation. This formulation includes nine inertia invariants J1, J2, …, J9.

Set FORMULATION=REDUCED with TYPE=ADAMS to generate a reduced version of the flexible body for the Adams™ flexible body dynamics solver from MSC.Software Corporation with only inertia invariants of the first order: J1, J2, J3, J4, J6, J7, and J8.


Set TYPE=ADAMS to generate a flexible body entities for the Adams™ flexible body dynamics solver from MSC.Software Corporation.

Set TYPE=EXCITE to generate flexible body entities for the AVL EXCITE™ flexible body dynamics solver from AVL LIST GmbH.

Set TYPE=GENERIC (default) to generate a generic flexible body.

Set TYPE=SID to generate the Standard Input Data representation of the flexible body.

Set TYPE=SIMPACK to generate a Flexible Body Interface (FBI) file from a substructure or modal system for use in the Simpack flexible body dynamics solver. The FBI file is created during the Abaqus/Standard analysis. If the Abaqus model units are not SI units, you must use the UNIT SYSTEM option to define the model units so that the FBI file is created properly in SI units. Alternatively, you can use the abaqus tosimpack translator to convert the flexible body in the substructure or modal system .sim file to an FBI file for use in Simpack.

There are no data lines associated with this option.