Viscoelastic object

The Viscoelastic object specifies dissipative behavior for use with elasticity.

This page discusses:




This method creates a Viscoelastic object.




Viscoelastic(const odb_String& domain,
           const odb_SequenceSequenceDouble& table,
           const odb_String& frequency,
           const odb_String& type,
           const odb_String& preload,
           const odb_String& time,
           double errtol,
           int nmax,
           const odb_SequenceSequenceDouble& volumetricTable);

Required arguments


An odb_String specifying the domain definition. Possible values are:

  • "FREQUENCY", specifying a frequency domain. This domain is only available for an Abaqus/Standard analysis.

  • "TIME", specifying a time domain.


An odb_SequenceSequenceDouble specifying the items described below.

Optional arguments


An odb_String specifying the frequency domain definition. This argument is required only when domain="FREQUENCY". Possible values are "FORMULA", "TABULAR", "PRONY", "CREEP_TEST_DATA", and "RELAXATION_TEST_DATA". The default value is "FORMULA".


An odb_String specifying the type. This argument is required only when domain="FREQUENCY" and frequency="TABULAR". Possible values are "ISOTROPIC" and "TRACTION". The default value is "ISOTROPIC".


An odb_String specifying the preload. This argument is required only when domain="FREQUENCY" and frequency="TABULAR". Possible values are "NONE", "UNIAXIAL", "VOLUMETRIC", and "UNIAXIAL_VOLUMETRIC". The default value is "NONE".


An odb_String specifying the time domain definition. This argument is required only when domain="TIME". Possible values are "PRONY", "CREEP_TEST_DATA", "RELAXATION_TEST_DATA", and "FREQUENCY_DATA". The default value is "PRONY".


A Double specifying the allowable average root-mean-square error of the data points in the least-squares fit. The Float values correspond to percentages; for example, 0.01 is 1%. The default value is 0.01.

This argument is valid only when time="CREEP_TEST_DATA", "RELAXATION_TEST_DATA" or "FREQUENCY_DATA"; or only when frequency="CREEP_TEST_DATA" or "RELAXATION_TEST_DATA".


An Int specifying the maximum number of terms N in the Prony series. The maximum value is 13. The default value is 13.

This argument is valid only when time="CREEP_TEST_DATA", "RELAXATION_TEST_DATA" or "FREQUENCY_DATA"; or only when frequency="CREEP_TEST_DATA" or "RELAXATION_TEST_DATA".


An odb_SequenceSequenceDouble specifying the items described below. The default value is an empty sequence.

Table data

If frequency=FORMULA, the table data for table specify the following:

  • Real part of g1* (g*(ω)=g1*f-a).

  • Imaginary part of g1*.

  • Value of a.

  • Real part of k1* (k*(ω)=k1*f-b). If the material is incompressible, this value is ignored.

  • Imaginary part of k1*. If the material is incompressible, this value is ignored.

  • Value of b. If the material is incompressible, this value is ignored.

If frequency=TABULAR and type=ISOTROPIC and preload=NONE, or time=FREQUENCY_DATA the table data for table specify the following:

  • Real part of ωg* (ω(g*)=G/G).

  • Imaginary part of ωg* (ω(g*)=1-Gs/G).

  • Real part of ωk* (ω(k*)=K/K). If the material is incompressible, this value is ignored.

  • Imaginary part of ωk* (ω(k*)=1-Ks/K). If the material is incompressible, this value is ignored.

  • Frequency f in cycles per time.

If frequency=TABULAR and type=ISOTROPIC and preload=UNIAXIAL the table data for table specify the following:

  • Loss modulus.

  • Storage modulus.

  • Frequency.

  • Uniaxial strain.

If frequency=TABULAR and type=TRACTION and preload=NONE the table data for table specify the following:

  • Normalized loss modulus.

  • Normalized shear modulus.

  • Frequency.

If frequency=TABULAR and type=TRACTION and preload=UNIAXIAL or preload=UNIAXIAL_VOLUMETRIC the table data for table specify the following:

  • Loss modulus.

  • Storage modulus.

  • Frequency.

  • Closure.

If time=PRONY or frequency=PRONY, the table data for table specify the following:

  • g¯1P, the modulus ratio in the first term in the Prony series expansion of the shear relaxation modulus.

  • k¯1P, the modulus ratio in the first term in the Prony series expansion of the bulk relaxation modulus.

  • τ1, the relaxation time for the first term in the Prony series expansion.

If frequency=TABULAR and type=ISOTROPIC and preload=VOLUMETRIC or preload=UNIAXIAL_VOLUMETRIC the table data for volumetricTable specify the following:

  • Loss modulus.

  • Storage modulus.

  • Frequency.

  • Volume ratio.

Return value

A Viscoelastic object.




The Viscoelastic object has members with the same names and descriptions as the arguments to the Viscoelastic method.

In addition, the Viscoelastic object can have the following members:


odb_CombinedTestData combinedTestData() const;
odb_ShearTestData shearTestData() const;
odb_Trs trs() const;
odb_VolumetricTestData volumetricTestData() const;

A CombinedTestData object.


A ShearTestData object.


A Trs object.


A VolumetricTestData object.