This method creates a Hyperelastic object.
odb_Hyperelastic& Hyperelastic(const odb_SequenceSequenceDouble& table, const odb_String& type, const odb_String& moduliTimeScale, bool temperatureDependency, int n, odb_Union beta, bool testData, bool compressible, int properties, const odb_String& deviatoricResponse, const odb_String& volumetricResponse, double poissonRatio, const odb_String& materialType, const odb_String& anisotropicType, const odb_String& formulation, const odb_String& behaviorType, int dependencies, int localDirections);
Required arguments
- table
An odb_SequenceSequenceDouble specifying the items described below. This argument is valid only if testData=OFF.
Optional arguments
- type
An odb_String specifying the type of strain energy potential. Possible values are:
The default value is "UNKNOWN".
- moduliTimeScale
An odb_String specifying the nature of the time response. Possible values are "INSTANTANEOUS" and "LONG_TERM". The default value is "LONG_TERM".
- temperatureDependency
A Boolean specifying whether the data depend on temperature. The default value is false.
- n
An Int specifying the order of the strain energy potential. The default value is 1.
If testData=ON and type="POLYNOMIAL", n can take only the values 1 or 2.
If testData=ON and type="OGDEN" or if testData=OFF for either type, 1 6.
If type="USER", this argument cannot be used.
- beta
The string "FITTED_VALUE" or a Double specifying the invariant mixture parameter. This argument is valid only if testData=ON and type="VAN_DER_WAALS". The default value is "FITTED_VALUE".
- testData
A Boolean specifying whether test data are supplied. The default value is true.
- compressible
A Boolean specifying whether the hyperelastic material is compressible. This parameter is applicable only to user-defined hyperelastic materials. The default value is false.
- properties
An Int specifying the number of property values needed as data for the user-defined hyperelastic material. The default value is 0.
- deviatoricResponse
An odb_String specifying which test data to use. Possible values are "UNIAXIAL", "BIAXIAL", and "PLANAR". The default value is "UNIAXIAL".
- volumetricResponse
An odb_String specifying the volumetric response. Possible values are "DEFAULT", "VOLUMETRIC_DATA", "POISSON_RATIO", and "LATERAL_NOMINAL_STRAIN". The default value is "DEFAULT".
- poissonRatio
A Double specifying the poisson ratio. This argument is valid only if volumetricResponse="POISSON_RATIO". The default value is 0.0.
- materialType
An odb_String specifying the type of material. Possible values are "ISOTROPIC" and "ANISOTROPIC". The default value is "ISOTROPIC".
- anisotropicType
An odb_String specifying the type of strain energy potential. Possible values are "FUNG_ANISOTROPIC", "FUNG_ORTHOTROPIC", "HOLZAPFEL", and "USER_DEFINED". The default value is "FUNG_ANISOTROPIC".
- formulation
An odb_String specifying the type of formulation. Possible values are "STRAIN" and "INVARIANT". The default value is "STRAIN".
- behaviorType
An odb_String specifying the type of anisotropic hyperelastic material behavior. Possible values are "INCOMPRESSIBLE" and "COMPRESSIBLE". The default value is "INCOMPRESSIBLE".
- dependencies
An Int specifying the number of field variable dependencies for the data involumetricTable . The default value is 0.
- localDirections
An Int specifying the number of local directions for the data involumetricTable . The default value is 0.
Table data
If type=ARRUDA_BOYCE, the table data specify the following:
Temperature, if the data depend on temperature.
If type=MOONEY_RIVLIN, the table data specify the following:
Temperature, if the data depend on temperature.
If type=NEO_HOOKE, the table data specify the following:
Temperature, if the data depend on temperature.
If type=OGDEN, the table data specify the following for values of :
and for from 1 to .
coefficients .
Temperature, if the data depend on temperature. Temperature dependence is not allowed for 4 6 in an Abaqus/Explicit analysis.
If type=POLYNOMIAL, the table data specify the following for values of :
for each value of from to with decreasing from to zero and increasing from zero to .
coefficients .
Temperature, if the data depend on temperature. Temperature dependence is not allowed for 3 6 in an Abaqus/Explicit analysis.
If type=REDUCED_POLYNOMIAL, the table data specify the following for values of :
for from 1 to .
coefficients .
Temperature, if the data depend on temperature. Temperature dependence is not allowed for 4 6 in an Abaqus/Explicit analysis.
If type=VAN_DER_WAALS, the table data specify the following:
Temperature, if the data depend on temperature.
If type=YEOH, the table data specify the following:
Temperature, if the data depend on temperature. Temperature dependence is not allowed in an Abaqus/Explicit analysis.
The None object is the default value if testData=ON.
Return value
A Hyperelastic object.
InvalidNameError and RangeError.