This method creates a FileImperfection object.
Required arguments
- name
A String specifying the repository key.
- file
A String specifying the results file from a previous analysis from which the file imperfection is applied.
- step
An Int specifying the step number (in the analysis whose file is being used as input to this option) from which the modal or displacement data are to be read.
- linearSuperpositions
A sequence of sequences of Integers and Floats specifying linearSuperpositions. The items in the table data are described below.
Optional arguments
- region
A Region object specifying the region to which the file imperfection is applied. By default, the imperfection will be applied to all nodes in the model.
- increment
An Int specifying the increment number (in the analysis whose file is being used as input to this option) from which the displacement data are to be read. By default, the data will be read from the last increment available for the specified step.
Table data
The table data specify the following:
Mode Number.
Scaling factor for this mode.
Return value
A FileImperfection object.