DruckerPrager object

The DruckerPrager object specifies the extended Drucker-Prager plasticity model.

This page discusses:




This method creates a DruckerPrager object.




DruckerPrager(const odb_SequenceSequenceDouble& table,
              const odb_String& shearCriterion,
              double eccentricity,
              bool testData,
              bool temperatureDependency,
              int dependencies);

Required arguments


An odb_SequenceSequenceDouble specifying the items described below.

Optional arguments


An odb_String specifying the yield criterion. Possible values are "LINEAR", "HYPERBOLIC", and "EXPONENTIAL". The default value is "LINEAR".

This argument applies only to Abaqus/Standard analyses. Only the linear Drucker-Prager model is available in Abaqus/Explicit analyses.


A Double specifying the flow potential eccentricity, ϵ, a small positive number that defines the rate at which the hyperbolic flow potential approaches its asymptote. The default value is 0.1.

This argument applies only to Abaqus/Standard analyses.


A Boolean specifying whether the material constants for the exponent model are to be computed by Abaqus/Standard from triaxial test data at different levels of confining pressure. The default value is false.

This argument is valid only if shearCriterion="EXPONENTIAL".


A Boolean specifying whether the data depend on temperature. The default value is false.


An Int specifying the number of field variable dependencies. The default value is 0.

Table data

If shearCriterion=LINEAR (the only option allowed in an Abaqus/Explicit analysis), the table data specify the following:

  • Material angle of friction, β, in the pt plane. Give the value in degrees.

  • K, the ratio of the flow stress in triaxial tension to the flow stress in triaxial compression. 0.778K1.0. If the default value of 0.0 is accepted, a value of 1.0 is assumed.

  • Dilation angle, ψ, in the pt plane. Give the value in degrees.

  • Temperature, if the data depend on temperature.

  • Value of the first field variable, if the data depend on field variables.

  • Value of the second field variable.

  • Etc.

If shearCriterion=HYPERBOLIC, the table data specify the following:

  • Material angle of friction, β, at high confining pressure in the pq plane. Give the value in degrees.

  • Initial hydrostatic tension strength, pt|0.

  • Dilation angle, ψ, at high confining pressure in the pq plane. Give the value in degrees.

  • Temperature, if the data depend on temperature.

  • Value of the first field variable, if the data depend on field variables.

  • Value of the second field variable.

  • Etc.

If shearCriterion=EXPONENTIAL, the table data specify the following:

  • Dilation angle, ψ, at high confining pressure in the pq plane. Give the value in degrees.

  • Temperature, if the data depend on temperature.

  • Value of the first field variable, if the data depend on field variables.

  • Value of the second field variable.

  • Etc.

Return value

A DruckerPrager object.




The DruckerPrager object has members with the same names and descriptions as the arguments to the DruckerPrager method.

In addition, the DruckerPrager object can have the following members:


odb_DruckerPragerCreep druckerPragerCreep() const;
odb_DruckerPragerHardening druckerPragerHardening() const;
odb_RateDependent rateDependent() const;
odb_TriaxialTestData triaxialTestData() const;

A DruckerPragerCreep object.


A DruckerPragerHardening object.


A RateDependent object.


A TriaxialTestData object.