This method creates a ClayPlasticity object.
odb_ClayPlasticity& ClayPlasticity(const odb_SequenceSequenceDouble& table, odb_Union intercept, const odb_String& hardening, bool temperatureDependency, int dependencies);
Required arguments
- table
An odb_SequenceSequenceDouble specifying the items described below.
Optional arguments
- intercept
The string "NONE" or a Double specifying , the intercept of the virgin consolidation line with the void ratio axis in a plot of void ratio versus the logarithm of pressure stress. The default value is "NONE".
This argument is valid only if hardening="EXPONENTIAL".
- hardening
An odb_String specifying the type of hardening/softening definition. Possible values are "EXPONENTIAL" and "TABULAR". The default value is "EXPONENTIAL".
- temperatureDependency
A Boolean specifying whether the data depend on temperature. The default value is false.
- dependencies
An Int specifying the number of field variable dependencies. The default value is 0.
Table data
If hardening=EXPONENTIAL, the table data specify the following:
Logarithmic plastic bulk modulus, (dimensionless).
Stress ratio at critical state, .
The initial yield surface size, .
, the parameter defining the size of the yield surface on the “wet” side of critical state.
, the ratio of the flow stress in triaxial tension to the flow stress in triaxial compression. . If the default value of 0.0 is accepted, a value of 1.0 is assumed.
Temperature, if the data depend on temperature.
Value of the first field variable, if the data depend on field variables.
Value of the second field variable.
If hardening=TABULAR, the table data specify the following:
Stress ratio at critical state, .
The initial volumetric plastic strain, , corresponding to according to the ClayHardening definition.
, the parameter defining the size of the yield surface on the “wet” side of critical state.
, the ratio of the flow stress in triaxial tension to the flow stress in triaxial compression. .
Temperature, if the data depend on temperature.
Value of the first field variable, if the data depend on field variables.
Value of the second field variable.
Return value
A ClayPlasticity object.