- E
Young's modulus. Only valid if the behavior type is ElasIsoBehavior.
- nu
Poisson's ratio. Only valid if the behavior type is ElasIsoBehavior.
- ds1Name
The name of the first data set. Only valid if the behavior type is ElasIsoBehavior or ElasPlasIsoBehavior
- ds2Name
The name of the second data set. Only valid if the behavior type is ElasIsoBehavior or ElasPlasIsoBehavior
- materialName
Material Name.
- yieldPoint
Stress/strain value for the material yield point.Only valid if the behavior type is ElasPlasIsoBehavior
- ultimatePoint
Stress/strain value for the material ultimate point.Only valid if the behavior type is ElasPlasIsoBehavior
- plasticPoints
Stress/strain values for the plastic portion of material curve. Only valid if the behavior type is ElasPlasIsoBehavior
- PoissonsRatio
Poisson's Ratio. Only valid if the behavior type is ElasPlasIsoBehavior
- elasticModulus
Young's Modulus for the elastic portion of the material curve. Only valid if the behavior type is ElasPlasIsoBehavior
- plasticPointsRange
Extent of the material plastic points. Only valid if the behavior type is ElasPlasIsoBehavior
- name
Name of the behavior.
- uniaxialName
Name of the uniaxial dataset. Only valid if the behavior type is FeFpBehavior
- biaxialName
Name of the biaxial dataset. Only valid if the behavior type is FeFpBehavior
- interpolation
'linear' specifies linear interpolation between data points, otherwise 'logarithmic'. Only valid if the behavior type is FeFpBehavior
- uniWeight
Uniaxial weight factor, uniWeight + biWeight should equal 1.0. Only valid if the behavior type is FeFpBehavior
- biWeight
Biaxial weight factor, uniWeight + biWeight should equal 1.0. Only valid if the behavior type is FeFpBehavior
- uMullinsReload
A List of strings, specifying names of reloading DataSet objects obtained from uniaxial test data. Only valid if the behavior is of type FeFpBehavior
- uMullinsUnload
A List of strings, specifying names of reloading DataSet objects obtained from uniaxial test data. Only valid if the behavior is of type FeFpBehavior
- uPYieldPoint
A tuple specifying the coordinates of yield point of the permanent data set. Only valid if the behavior is of type FeFpBehavior
- uPermSet
A List of strings, specifying names of permanent DataSet objects obtained from uniaxial test data. Only valid if the behavior is of type FeFpBehavior
- uPrimary
A string specifying name of Primary DataSet object.Only valid if the behavior is of type FeFpBehavior
- bMullinsReload
A List of strings, specifying names of reloading DataSet objects obtained from biaxial test data. Only valid if the behavior is of type FeFpBehavior
- bMullinsUnload
A List of strings, specifying names of unloading DataSet objects obtained from biaxial test data. Only valid if the behavior is of type FeFpBehavior
- bPYieldPoint
A tuple specifying the coordinates of yield point of the permanent data set. Only valid if the behavior is of type FeFpBehavior
- bPermSet
A List of strings, specifying names of permanent DataSet objects obtained from biaxial test data. Only valid if the behavior is of type FeFpBehavior
- bPrimary
A string specifying name of Primary DataSet object. Only valid if the behavior is of type FeFpBehavior