This method creates an AssembledFastener object. Although the constructor is available both for parts and for the assembly, AssembledFastener objects are currently supported only under the assembly.
mdb.models[name].parts[name].engineeringFeatures.AssembledFastener mdb.models[name].rootAssembly.engineeringFeatures.AssembledFastener
Required arguments
- name
A String specifying the repository key.
- region
A Region object specifying the region of attachment points to which assembled fasteners are applied.
- templateModel
A String specifying the name of the template model.
- controlSet
A Region object specifying the template model control point set. The set must contain a single node or vertex.
- templateSurfaces
A sequence of Strings specifying the names of the template model surfaces that are referenced by tie or coupling constraints.
- assignedSurfaces
A sequence of Strings specifying the names of the main model surfaces that will be substituted for the template model constraint surfaces.
- propertyPrefix
A String specifying the name of the property prefix string. This string will be prepended to every property name as it is copied to the main model from the template model.
Optional arguments
- orientMethod
A SymbolicConstant specifying the method used to orient the virtual instances of the template model at each attachment point. Possible values are NORMALS and CSYS. The default value is NORMALS.
- localCsys
None or a DatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system. If localCsys=None, the global coordinate system is used. When this member is queried, it returns an Int. The default value is None.
This argument applies only when orientMethod=CSYS.
- scriptName
A String specifying the name of the property generation script. The default value is an empty string.
Return value
An AssembledFastener object.