You will now display an X–Y plot of displacement versus time.
In the Results Tree, click mouse button 3 on History Output for the output database named viewer_tutorial.odb. From the menu that appears, select Filter.
In the filter field, enter *U2* to restrict the history output to just the displacement components in the 2-direction.
Expand the History Output container and double-click the data object containing the history of the vertical motion of the rigid body reference node: Spatial displacement: U2 at Node 1000 in NSET PUNCH.
Abaqus displays an X–Y plot of displacement versus time, as shown in Figure 1.
Default options selected by Abaqus include default ranges for the X- and Y-axes, axis titles, major and minor tick marks, the color of the line, and a legend.
The legend labels the X–Y plot U2 N: 1000 NSET PUNCH. This is a default name provided by Abaqus.