When the job completes, enter the Visualization module, and open the .odb file created by this job
(BlastLoad.odb). By default, Abaqus plots the undeformed model shape with the shaded render style.
Changing the
The default view is isometric, which does not provide a particularly clear
view of the plate. To improve the viewpoint, rotate the view using the options
in the View menu or the tools in the
View Manipulation toolbar.
Specify the view and select the viewpoint method for rotating the view. Enter
the X-, Y-, and
Z-coordinates of the viewpoint vector as
1,0.5,1 and the coordinates of the up vector as
Verifying shell
section assignment
You can also visualize the section assignment and the shell thickness while
postprocessing the results. For example, regions with common section
assignments can be color coded to verify that the properties were assigned
correctly (select Sections from the Color
Code toolbar to color the mesh according to section assignment). To
render the shell thickness, select
ViewODB Display
Options from the main menu bar. In the ODB
Display Options dialog box, toggle on Render shell
thickness and click Apply. If the model looks
correct, as shown in
Figure 1,
toggle off this option and click OK before proceeding
with the rest of the postprocessing instructions. Otherwise, correct the
section assignment and rerun the job.
Figure 1. Plate with shell thickness displayed.
Animation of
As noted in earlier examples, animating your results will provide a general
understanding of the dynamic response of the plate under the blast loading.
First, plot the deformed model shape. Then, create a time-history animation of
the deformed shape. Use the Animation Options dialog box
to change the mode to Play once.
You will see from the animation that as the blast loading is applied, the
plate begins to deflect. Over the duration of the load the plate begins to
vibrate and continues to vibrate after the blast load has dropped to zero. The
maximum displacement occurs at approximately 8 ms, and a displaced plot of that
state is shown in
Figure 2.
Figure 2. Displaced shape at 8 ms.
The animation images can be saved to a file for playback at a later time.
To save the animation:
From the main menu bar, select
The Save Image Animation dialog box appears.
In the Settings field, enter the file name
The format of the animation can be specified as
AVI, QuickTime,
VRML, or Compressed
Choose the QuickTime format, and click
The animation is saved as blast_base.mov in
your current directory. Once saved, your animation can be played external to
using industry-standard animation software.
History output
Since it is not easy to see the deformation of the plate from the deformed
plot, it is desirable to view the deflection response of the central node in
the form of a graph. The displacement of the node in the center of the plate is
of particular interest since the largest deflection occurs at this node.
Display the displacement history of the central node, as shown in
Figure 3
(with displacements in millimeters).
Figure 3. Central node displacement as a function of time.
To generate a history plot of the central node
In the
Results Tree,
double-click the history output data named Spatial
displacement: U2 at the node in the center of the plate (set
Save the current X–Y data: in the
Results Tree,
click mouse button 3 on the data name and select Save As
from the menu that appears. Name the data DISP.
The units of the displacements in this plot are meters. Modify the data to
create a plot of displacement (in millimeters) versus time by creating a new
data object.
In the
Results Tree,
expand the XYData container.
The DISP data are listed underneath.
In the
Results Tree,
double-click XYData; then select Operate on XY
data in the Create XY Data dialog box. Click
In the Operate on XY Data dialog box, multiply
DISP by 1000 to create the plot with the
displacement values in millimeters instead of meters. The expression at the top
of the dialog box should appear as:
"DISP" * 1000
Click Plot Expression to see the modified
X–Y data. Save the data as
Close the Operate on XY Data dialog box.
Click the Axis Options
tool in the toolbox. In the Axis Options dialog
box, change the X-axis title to Time
(s) and the Y-axis title to
Displacement (mm). Click
OK to close the dialog box. The resulting plot is shown
Figure 3.
The plot shows that the displacement reaches a maximum of 50.2 mm at 7.7 ms
and then oscillates after the blast load is removed.
The other quantities saved as history output in the output database are the
total energies of the model. The energy histories can help identify possible
shortcomings in the model as well as highlight significant physical effects.
Display the histories of five different energy output variables—ALLAE, ALLIE, ALLKE, ALLPD, and ALLSE.
To generate history plots of the model energies:
Save the history results for the ALLAE, ALLIE, ALLKE, ALLPD, and ALLSE output variables as X–Y data. A
default name is given to each curve; rename each according to its output
variable name: ALLAE,
ALLKE, etc.
In the
Results Tree,
expand the XYData container.
ALLPD, and ALLSEX–Y data objects are listed underneath.
Select ALLAE,
click mouse button 3, and select Plot from the menu that
appears to plot the energy curves.
To more clearly distinguish between the different curves in the plot, open
the Curve Options dialog box and change their line styles.
For the curve ALLSE, select a dashed line
For the curve ALLPD, select a dotted line
For the curve ALLAE, select a chain
dashed line style.
For the curve ALLIE, select the second
thinnest line type.
To change the position of the legend, open the Chart Legend
Options dialog box and switch to the Area
tabbed page.
In the Position region of this page, toggle on
Inset and click Dismiss. Drag the
legend in the viewport so that it fits within the grid, as shown in
Figure 4.
Figure 4. Energy quantities as a function of time.
We can see that once the load has been removed and the plate vibrates
freely, the kinetic energy increases as the strain energy decreases. When the
plate is at its maximum deflection and, therefore, has its maximum strain
energy, it is almost entirely at rest, causing the kinetic energy to be at a
The plastic strain energy rises to a plateau and then rises again. From the
plot of kinetic energy we can see that the second rise in plastic strain energy
occurs when the plate has rebounded from its maximum displacement and is moving
back in the opposite direction. We are, therefore, seeing plastic deformation
on the rebound after the blast pulse.
Even though there is no indication that hourglassing is a problem in this
analysis, study the artificial strain energy to make sure. As discussed in
Using Continuum Elements,
artificial strain energy or “hourglass stiffness” is the energy used to control
hourglass deformation, and the output variable ALLAE is the accumulated artificial strain energy. This discussion on
hourglass control applies equally to shell elements. Since energy is dissipated
as plastic deformation as the plate deforms, the total internal energy is much
greater than the elastic strain energy alone. Therefore, it is most meaningful
in this analysis to compare the artificial strain energy to an energy quantity
that includes the dissipated energy as well as the elastic strain energy. Such
a variable is the total internal energy, ALLIE, which is a summation of all internal energy quantities. The
artificial strain energy is approximately 2% of the total internal energy,
indicating that hourglassing is not a problem.
One thing we can notice from the deformed shape is that the central
stiffener is subject to almost pure in-plane bending. Using only two
first-order, reduced-integration elements through the depth of the stiffener is
not sufficient to model in-plane bending behavior. While the solution from this
coarse mesh appears to be adequate since there is little hourglassing, for
completeness we will study how the solution changes when we refine the mesh of
the stiffener. Use caution when you refine the mesh, since mesh refinement will
increase the solution time by increasing the number of elements and decreasing
the element size.
Edit the mesh, and respecify the mesh density. Using the previously saved
edge set, specify four elements through the height of each stiffener, and
remesh the part instance. Create a new job named
BlastLoadRefined. Submit this job for analysis,
and investigate the results when the job has completed running.
This increase in the number of elements increases the solution time by
approximately 20%. In addition, the stable time increment decreases by
approximately a factor of two as a result of the reduction of the smallest
element dimension in the stiffeners. Since the total increase in solution time
is a combination of the two effects, the solution time of the refined mesh
increases by approximately a factor of 1.2 × 2, or 2.4, over that of the
original mesh.
Figure 5
shows the histories of artificial energy for both the original mesh and the
mesh with the refined stiffeners. The artificial energy is slightly lower in
the refined mesh. As a result, we would not expect the results to change
significantly from the original to the refined mesh.
Figure 5. Artificial energy in the original and refined meshes.
Figure 6
shows that the displacement of the plate's central node is almost identical in
both cases, indicating that the original mesh is capturing the overall response
adequately. One advantage of the refined mesh, however, is that it better
captures the variation of stress and plastic strain through the stiffeners.
Figure 6. Central node displacement history for the original and refined
In this section you will use the contour plotting capability of
the Visualization module
to display the von Mises stress and equivalent plastic strain distributions in
the plate. Use the model with the refined stiffener mesh to create the plots;
from the main menu bar, select
and choose the file BlastLoadRefined.odb.
To generate contour plots of the von Mises stress and
equivalent plastic strain:
From the list of variable types on the left side of the Field
Output toolbar, select Primary.
From the list of output variables in the center of the toolbar, select
S. The stress invariants and components are available in
the next list to the right. Select the Mises stress
From the main menu bar, select
In the Section Points dialog box that appears, select
Top and bottom as the active locations and click
Deformed Shape, or use the
tool from the toolbox.
plots the contours of the von Mises stress on both the top and bottom faces of
each shell element. To see this more clearly, rotate the model in the viewport.
The view that you set earlier for the animation exercise should be changed
so that the stress distribution is clearer.
Change the view back to the default isometric view using the
tool in the
Views toolbar.
If the
Views toolbar
is not visible, select
from the main menu bar.
Figure 7
shows a contour plot of the von Mises stress at the end of the analysis.
Figure 7. Contour plot of von Mises stress at 50 ms.
Similarly, contour the equivalent plastic strain. Select
Primary from the list of variable types on the left side
of the Field Output toolbar and select
PEEQ from the list of output variables next to it.
Figure 8
shows a contour plot of the equivalent plastic strain at the end of the
Figure 8. Contour plot of equivalent plastic strain at 50 ms.