Among the different element
families, continuum or solid elements can be used to model the widest variety
of components. Conceptually, continuum elements simply model small blocks of
material in a component. Since they may be connected to other elements on any
of their faces, continuum elements, like bricks in a building or tiles in a
mosaic, can be used to build models of nearly any shape, subjected to nearly
any loading.
has stress/displacement, nonstructural, and coupled field continuum elements;
this guide will discuss only stress/displacement elements.
Continuum stress/displacement elements in
have names that begin with the letter “C.” The next two letters indicate the
dimensionality and usually, but not always, the active degrees of freedom in
the element. The letters “3D” indicate a three-dimensional element;
“AX,” an axisymmetric element;
“PE,” a plane strain element; and
“PS,” a plane stress element.
Three-dimensional continuum elements can be hexahedra (bricks), wedges,
pyramids, or tetrahedra. The full inventory of three-dimensional continuum
elements and the nodal connectivity for each type can be found in
Three-Dimensional Solid Element Library.
Whenever possible, hexahedral elements or second-order tetrahedral elements
should be used in
First-order tetrahedra (C3D4) have a simple, constant-strain formulation, and very fine meshes
are required for an accurate solution.
continuum element library
has several classes of two-dimensional continuum elements that differ from each
other in their out-of-plane behavior. Two-dimensional elements can be
quadrilateral or triangular.
Figure 1
shows the three classes that are used most commonly.
Figure 1. Plane strain, plane stress, and axisymmetric elements without
Plane strain elements assume that the out-of-plane strain,
is zero; they can be used to model thick structures.
Plane stress elements assume that the out-of-plane stress,
is zero; they are suitable for modeling thin structures.
Axisymmetric elements without twist, the “CAX” class of elements, model a 360° ring; they are suitable for
analyzing structures with axisymmetric geometry subjected to axisymmetric
also provides generalized plane strain elements, axisymmetric elements with
twist, and axisymmetric elements with asymmetric deformation.
Generalized plane strain elements include the additional generalization
that the out-of-plane strain may vary linearly with position in the plane of
the model. This formulation is particularly suited for the thermal-stress
analysis of thick sections.
Axisymmetric elements with twist model an initially axisymmetric
geometry that can twist about the axis of symmetry. These elements are useful
for modeling the torsion of cylindrical structures, such as axisymmetric rubber
Axisymmetric elements with asymmetric deformation model an initially
axisymmetric geometry that can deform asymmetrically (typically as a result of
bending). They are useful for simulating problems such as an axisymmetric
rubber mount that is subjected to shear loads.
The latter three classes of two-dimensional continuum elements are not
discussed in this guide.
Two-dimensional solid elements must be defined in the 1–2 plane so that the
node order is counterclockwise around the element perimeter, as shown in
Figure 2.
Figure 2. Correct nodal connectivity for two-dimensional elements.
When using a preprocessor to generate the mesh, ensure that the element
normals all point in the same direction as the positive, global 3-axis. Failure
to provide the correct element connectivity will cause
to issue an error message stating that elements have negative area.
Degrees of
All of the stress/displacement continuum elements have translational degrees
of freedom at each node. Correspondingly, degrees of freedom 1, 2, and 3 are
active in three-dimensional elements, while only degrees of freedom 1 and 2 are
active in plane strain elements, plane stress elements, and axisymmetric
elements without twist. To find the active degrees of freedom in the other
classes of two-dimensional solid elements, see
Two-Dimensional Solid Element Library.
All solid elements must refer to a solid section property that defines the
material and any additional geometric data associated with the element. For
three-dimensional and axisymmetric elements no additional geometric information
is required: the nodal coordinates completely define the element geometry. For
plane stress and plane strain elements the thickness of the elements may be
specified or a default value of 1 will be used.
Formulation and
Alternative formulations available for the continuum family of elements in
include an incompatible mode formulation (the last
or second-to-last letter in the element name is I) and a
hybrid element formulation (the last letter in the
element name is H), both of which are discussed in detail later in this guide.
you can choose between full and reduced integration for quadrilateral and
hexahedral (brick) elements. In
you can choose between full and reduced integration for hexahedral (brick)
elements; however, only reduced integration is available for quadrilateral
first-order elements. Both the formulation and type of integration can have a
significant effect on the accuracy of solid elements, as discussed in
Element formulation and integration.
Element output
By default, element output variables such as stress and strain refer to the
global Cartesian coordinate system. Thus, the -component
of stress at the integration point shown in
Figure 3(a)
acts in the global 1-direction. Even if the element rotates during a
large-displacement simulation, as shown in
Figure 3(b),
the default is still to use the global Cartesian system as the basis for
defining the element variables.
Figure 3. Default material directions for continuum elements.
allows you to define a local coordinate system for element variables (see
Example: skew plate).
This local coordinate system rotates with the motion of the element in
large-displacement simulations. A local coordinate system can be very useful if
the object being modeled has some natural material orientation, such as the
fiber directions in a composite material.